


The Privacy Dilemma in the Social Networking Age: With a Focus on Facebook




劉靜怡(Ching-Yi Liu)


社群網站 ; 資訊隱私權理論 ; 言論自由 ; 臉書 ; 個人資料保護 ; 資訊隱私 ; 情境脈絡完整性 ; 被遺忘的權利 ; social network sites ; information privacy theories ; freedom of speech ; Facebook ; protection of personal information ; information privacy ; contextual integrity ; right to be forgotten




41卷1期(2012 / 03 / 01)


1 - 70




本文探討社群網路時代帶來的隱私困境。隨著網路科技所創造的環境日新月異,「線上書寫」的型態也不斷改變,網路使用者在網路上揭露和分享私人故事的現象,幾乎成了社群網路的常態,因此,本文將以Facebook所引發的隱私爭議為例,分析此一隱私困境的面貌,並探索其解決之道。本文首先介紹社群網路的特徵,做為探討社群網路所衍生之隱私爭議的基礎,其次,本文將說明社群網路對使用者帶來的隱私風險為何,並且以Helen Nissenbaum強調情境脈絡完整性的資訊隱私權理論,來說明這些爭議的癥結之處,以探討社群網站隱私爭議的解決方向。


This article explores the privacy dilemma in the social networking age. It provides an analysis of the law and policy of privacy on social network sites, using Facebook as its principal example. It first explains the features of social network sites and how Facebook users socialize on the site. Secondly, it analyzes how and why Facebook users misunderstand the risks involved, and how their privacy suffers as a result. This article further tries to apply Nissenbaum's ”contextual integrity” theory of privacy to understand the privacy issues arising from Facebook platform and how policymakers can help preserve user privacy on social network sites.

主题分类 社會科學 > 法律學
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