In 2011, The Parliament has passed three important procedure laws, all concerning civil matters. First, it has drafted the Family Matters Procedure law. It merges meditation, suit, non-litigious and enforcement in single code. Besides, it ensures multitude matters of the same family can be heard by the same judge in the same procedure to protect substantive and procedural interests, and to preserve the efficiency of the procedure and the stability. Secondly, it has revised the Civil Mandatory Executive Law to empower the creditor of the right for disclosure the property to strengthen the ways of indirect enforcement and realize the rights more efficiently. Family Matters Procedure law has used various ways of ensuring compliance, and has strengthened the ways of the direct or indirect enforcement to satisfy the needs of the law. Lastly, it has revised the Code of Debt Settlement, increasing the meditation of the debts settlement and making the conditions of rebirth-program more concrete. On the other hand, it has restricted the elements of the non-exemption of liquidation in order to promote debtors to take advantage of the proceedings in or out of lawsuit properly and swiftly to relief their debts and to reconstruct the economic life.