


A Study on the Pre-Constitution Era Promulgations




張明偉(Ming-Woei Chang)


國民政府時期 ; 落日條款 ; 權力分立 ; 訓政時期 ; 制憲權 ; Chinese National Government Stage ; sunset legislation ; separation of powers ; Political Tutelage Stage ; Constituent Power




44卷4期(2015 / 12 / 01)


1705 - 1784






In general, as held by No. 573 of the Judicial Yuan Interpretation, all the Chinese National Government Stage promulgations which were adopted and went into effect before the ROC Constitution still apply to date even if they have never been abolished or amended. However, even they were effective before the Constitution; it is questionable if it is still valid because those acts were made by KMT only. According to Article 1 of the Preparatory Procedure for the Implementation of the Constitution and Article 170 of the Constitution, a part of those promulgations conflict with the current Constitution. Although the Chinese National Government never fulfilled the revision task required by the Constitution Delegation, if the task is allowed to extend for the reason of the Chinese Civil War, referring to No. 261 of the Judicial Yuan Interpretation, all the Chinese National Government Stage promulgations should become void since January 1st, 1992. As a result, this study claims that since then the Act of the Supervision of Temples is no more a valid law; however, it is against No. 573 of the Judicial Yuan Interpretation.

主题分类 社會科學 > 法律學
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