


Pain and Suffering Damages for Injury: An Empirical Study of District Court Cases in Taiwan




張永健(Yun-Chien Chang);李宗憲(Tsung-Hsien Li)


身體 ; 健康 ; 慰撫金 ; 醫療糾紛 ; 車禍 ; 勞動能力之減損 ; body ; health ; pain and suffering damages ; medical malpractice ; car accident ; loss of working capacity




44卷4期(2015 / 12 / 01)


1785 - 1843






Article 195 of the Taiwan Civil Code awards pain and suffering damages to injured tort victims. Thousands of cases each year award such damages accordingly. Yet no large-scale, sophisticated empirical studies have been conducted to detect the pattern of assessment of pain and suffering damages. Using all medical malpractice cases and one-tenth of the randomly sampled car accident cases at the district court level from 2008 to 2012 in OLS regression models, this article explores how judges set pain and suffering damages. Our findings show that both medical expenses and level of injury have positive and statistically significant effects on the amount of pain and suffering damages. The extent of lost working capacity and other pecuniary damages have no statistically significant effect on the non-pecuniary damages. Victim’s age has a negative effect on pain and suffering damages in medical malpractice cases, while there is no such effect in car accident cases. There is evidence to support the scholarly conjecture that judges use their discretion in setting pain and suffering damages to do justice to plaintiffs who are unable to receive sufficient pecuniary damages for evidentiary or other reasons.

主题分类 社會科學 > 法律學
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