


Why do People Sue Doctors? An Empirical Legal Study from the Perspectives of Patients and Their Families




黃鈺媖(Yu-Ying Huang);楊秀儀(Hsiu-I Yang)


醫療糾紛 ; 病人態度 ; 法實證研究 ; 去刑化 ; 另類糾紛解決機制 ; medical malpractice ; patients’ attitude ; empirical legal study ; decriminalization ; A.D.R.




44卷4期(2015 / 12 / 01)


1845 - 1885






Quite a few Taiwanese patients, or their families, have filed a malpractice lawsuit against medical providers in cases of disputes. A close examination of the total 223 district court criminal verdicts in the last decade, however, highlights a "3-low" phenomenon: low prosecution rate, low conviction rate, and low sentence serving rate, which demonstrates that criminal court alone is not a viable recourse to settling malpractice disputes. Before any policy to decriminalize medical malpractice liability is made, it is important to understand the underlying reasons why patients file criminal charges against their doctors. This research, a pioneer empirical study on patients’ experience with and attitudes towards criminal liability system, aims to discover the true needs of patients and their families in medical malpractice disputes. Based on literature reviews and analyses of the characteristics of medical disputes in Taiwan, a questionnaire was created and distributed, through personal networks, to patients and families who had been involved in such disputes. Overall, from 23 May 2012 to 30 December 2012, 184 respondents were enrolled, 174 of them having met the inclusion criteria. The findings provide four in-depth suggestions. First, among all respondents, 54% directly and personally made a claim against medical providers, which indicates that in-hospital mediation should be introduced as the first and foremost measure of alternative dispute resolutions (ADR). Second, more than half of the respondents (90, 51.7%) considered it more likely to discover the truth by appealing to prosecutors, and only 37 (21.3%) admitted that their purpose to file a criminal charge was to save money. It implies that patients or families are motivated to file criminal complaints by the desire to find out the truth instead of saving money on legal fees. Thus, a truth finding mechanism would effectively channel patients and families to civil remedy. Third, 93 of the respondents (53.5%) ascribed their legal actions to the doctors’ bad attitude, and slightly more than half (88, 50.5%) chose not to sue if physicians are honest with them about medical errors. Whether doctors have apologized for injury or medical malpractice, as the data show, would influence the decision of patients and families to file a lawsuit. Fourth, only 31 (17.8%) respondents agreed that medical professionals, in the case of malpractice, should not be held responsible for criminal liability, which suggests that advocates of decriminalization in the substantive law need to proffer more persuasive argument to support their cause. To conclude, a well-designed ADR that takes patients’ needs into account would encourage patients or their families to settle malpractice disputes without resorting to criminal law procedures in court.

主题分类 社會科學 > 法律學
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