


Reasonable Statutory Restraint to Regulate Defamatory Speech in Criminal Law




張麗卿(Li-Ching Chang)


誹謗 ; 言論自由 ; 新聞自由 ; 名譽權 ; 真實惡意原則 ; slander ; freedom of speech ; freedom of the press ; reputation right ; actual malice rule




45卷4期(2016 / 12 / 01)


1999 - 2029




當代的自由民主社會,相當關注憲法基本權的維護與保障。不過,基本權的衝突並不易處理。強調言論自由的媒體,相對於因為媒體報導而名譽受到侵犯的人,將會形成基本權的對立與衝突。最明顯的情形是,媒體報導因揭露他人隱私或報導不實,而侵害當事人名譽。誹謗罪的存在,就因此背負基本權衝突的解決使命。誹謗罪的立法與解釋,也因此必須受到憲法法理的檢證。 言論自由表彰媒體存在的意義。沒有新聞報導的自由,媒體的存在即成為多餘。但媒體報導如果侵犯私人名譽,是否成立誹謗罪,也必須從刑法謙抑性或最後手段性去思考。無論是憲法上的檢驗,或刑法最後手段性的判斷,都是一種利益衡量。換言之,言論自由或新聞自由皆受憲法保障,但如何劃出言論自由與名譽權維護的界線,需要對於法規範的目的做出合理的釋義。 本文從刑法誹謗罪的規範理念與目的談起,說明誹謗罪規制之目的,並論及誹謗罪與基本權的衝突,同時依序從大法官釋字第509、689號解釋所揭示的理念,探討誹謗言論與刑法保護名譽權的關係;並針對公眾人物名譽權保障的內涵細加說明,進一步提出刑法合理管制誹謗言論的要竅。


In a modern and democratic society, we think highly of the protection of fundamental rights, but it is difficult to deal with the conflicts between the freedom of the press and reputation of those in the news reports. The typical damage of reputation is caused from public disclosure of individual’s private facts or misreports by the media. The legal measures concerning slander are aimed at resolving these conflicts. Therefore, the relevant legislation and interpretation should be examined according to the principles of the Constitution. The media is developed on the freedom of speech, and furthermore it would be unnecessary to exit without the freedom of press. However, when the report from the media contains defamatory statement, we still need to consider the ultima ratio of penalty to decide whether there is in offense of slander, and this kind of deliberation as well as the examination from the Constitution are both kinds of balancing test of legal interests. In other words, although the freedom of speech and the press is guaranteed by the Constitution, we need to make reasonable interpretation of the law to set out the boundary between the freedom of speech and individual’s reputation. This Article discusses the idea and purpose of the offense of slander as well as the conflicts between it and fundamental rights. Moreover, through the notion revealed in the Interpretation No. 509 and 689, the Article analyzes the connection of the defamatory speech and the protection of reputation from the Criminal Law. Finally, this Article elaborates on the ways to classify protection of reputation of public figures. Also, it puts forward the strategies to regulate defamatory speech in a reasonable manner.

主题分类 社會科學 > 法律學
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