


Developments in the Juvenile Justice Act: Past, Present, and Future




李茂生(Mau-Sheng Lee)


少年事件處理法 ; 健全成長發達權 ; 同心圓 ; 蝴蝶吸子 ; 少年輔導委員會 ; 固有偵查領域 ; 被害人參與 ; 司法院釋字第805號解釋 ; Juvenile Justice Act ; the Right of Sound Self-Development ; the Concentric Circles ; the Lorenz attractor ; the Youth Counseling Committee ; the Essential Investigation Theory ; Victim Participation ; J.Y. Interpretation No. 805




50卷S期(2021 / 11 / 01)


1607 - 1638






More than a half century has passed since the enacting of the Juvenile Justice Act (hereafter, "the Act"). In the meantime, despite the trend of increasingly criminalized juvenile justice in various countries, Taiwan went in the opposite direction in 1997. The legislative amendments to the Act paved the way for a revolutionized system that deals with juvenile delinquency cases in ways that break from the past. As one of the advocates for and drafters of the Juvenile Justice Act of 1997, the author laid down two general principles for the juvenile justice: the Right of Sound Self-Development of the Juveniles, and the Theory of the Concentric Circles. The former serves as the guiding principle for the juvenile justice proceedings, respecting the opinions of the juveniles and rejecting the ideal roadmap set by adults. The latter refers to the principles that must be adhered to when implementing treatment measures. The establishment of the protective circles allows the juvenile to take over his/her life. In addition, the Lorenz attractor is used to express the unpredictable future of the juveniles on whom the various forces are exerted. Through the Mask Theory and the OPM Theory (organize, present, move), the Article attempts to define the relationship between the healthy development of the juvenile and the environment in which the juvenile develops his/her personality. Although the future seems bright for the juvenile justice, it has encountered many difficulties. The Youth Counseling Committee, which will assume the frontline responsibility after the revision of the Act in 2019, is threatened to plunge into chaos if the structure remains its current form. With the revised Act's exclusion of child delinquency cases from the juvenile justice proceedings, welfare and education agencies are expected to evade their statutory responsibilities towards children and adolescents. This Article will focus on the two issues: the Essential Investigation Theory, and the Private Accessory Prosecution. The former has been discussed for many years, the fundamental characteristic being the ability of the prosecutor to judge the necessity for protection and the participation of the prosecutor. The features of the Act render it vulnerable to unfounded revisions. The latter concerns the conclusion of the National Conference on Judicial Reform and the decision of the Judicial Yuan Interpretation No. 805. The emphasis on Restorative Justice and Victim Protection and Participation pushed for the amendments to the Code of Criminal Procedure, which established the Victim Participation in general criminal proceedings. However, the Act is different from the Code. If the Act is also amended in line with the revised Code, it may only satisfy our desire for retribution.

主题分类 社會科學 > 法律學
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