


Developments in the Law in 2021: Civil Law




陳忠五(Chung-Wu Chen)


成年年齡 ; 婚姻年齡 ; 最高利率限制 ; 夫妻剩餘財產分配請求權 ; 法律行為 ; 租賃契約 ; 不當得利 ; 優先購買權 ; Majority age ; Marriage age ; Statutory limit of interest rate per annum ; Distribution of the remainder property upon dissolution of the statutory marital property regime ; Juridical act ; Lease ; Unjust enrichment ; Right of first purchasing




51卷S期(2022 / 11 / 01)


1171 - 1202






This article reviews the major developments of Taiwanese civil law in 2021. It mainly focuses on the legislative amendments and judicial practices. By the modifications of some provisions of the Civil Code Part I General Principles, Part II Obligations and Part IV Family, the majority age has been reduced to eighteenth year of age, the betrothal age has been unified as seventeenth year of age equally for a male and female, the marriage age has been unified as eighteenth year of age equally for a male and female, the statutory limit of interest rate has been reduced to 16 percent per annum, and the conditions and reference factors for the court to adjust or waive the share of distribution of the remainder property upon dissolution of the statutory marital property regime, when the equal distribution appears unfair, have been clarified in details. As regard to the judicial practices, the Supreme Court judgments proposed many creative opinions in order to cater to the social changes. They made a considerable number of inspiring decisions concerning diverse issues of civil law. The main issues dealt with by the Court concerned as followed: effect of a contract opposable to a third party, contractual and tortious liabilities and their compensation regime, juridical act (esp. violation of mandatory regulations and formalities for a juridical act), lease(esp. duration of leasing a land for building a house when the period of lease is not specified), unjust enrichment (esp. the scope of its application and the concept of prejudice), right of first purchasing (esp. the owner and object of the right of first purchasing and the liability for its infringement) etc. Due to the limit of pages, this article only deals with the latter 4 issues. From these decisions, the Court demonstrated how they adapted to the changing needs of modern society.

主题分类 社會科學 > 法律學
  1. 民法第205條修正理由。
  2. 最高法院109年度台上字第2475號判決
  3. 最高法院自行公布的110年度「民事庭可供研究之裁判要旨暨裁判全文」。
  4. 銀行法第47條之1第2項。
  5. 民法第75條後段。第88條。第92條第1項。第74條第1項。
  6. 民法總則施行法第 3 條之 1 第 3 項規增訂理由。
  7. 民法第 1049 條但書修正理由。
  8. 民法第431條立法理由。
  9. 民法第12條修正理由。
  10. 最高法院104年度台上字第1744號判決
  11. 最高法院107年度台上字第788號判決
  12. 最高法院104年度台上字第14號判決
  13. 民法第980條修正理由。
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  15. 吳從周(2021)。民事大法庭裁定選評之一:「原住民保留地買賣予非原住民」案─評最高法院108年度台上大字第1636號裁定。月旦裁判時報,113,15-25。
  16. 吳從周,何奕萱(2022)。民事大法庭裁定選評之三:「共有人出賣共有物違反優先承購權通知義務」案─評最高法院109年度台上大字第2169號民事裁定。月旦裁判時報,119,29-43。
  17. 侯岳宏(2022)。日本勞動法對於未成年者之保護與民法成年年齡下修的影響:兼論對我國之啟示。全國律師,26(8),5-14。
  18. 張韻琪,吳家榜(2022)。論未定期限租地建屋契約之終止。台灣法律人,12,18-37。
  19. 陳忠五(2021)。多數共有人未通知少數共有人行使優先承買權而處分共有土地的契約責任:最高法院109年度台上大字第2169號裁定簡析。台灣法律人,4,159-167。
  20. 陳忠五(編)。「民事法裁判精選」專欄。月旦實務選評
  21. 謝哲勝(2022)。未定期限基地租賃得否請求法院酌定基地租約期限?。月旦法學教室,235,6-9。
  22. 謝哲勝(2022)。原住民保留地借名登記契約無效:最高法院108年度台上大字第1636號裁定評釋。月旦裁判時報,122,5-11。
  23. 顏佑紘(2021)。論優先承買權人對移轉應有部分與原買受人之共有人得否依契約責任之規定請求損害賠償:評最高法院109台上大字第2169號民事裁定。台灣法律人,3,117-140。
  1. 陳韻如(2023)。2020年至2022年法律史發展回顧:實務與研究的對話。臺大法學論叢,52(S),1381-1405。
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