


An Investigation on College Students' Motivations for participation in Leisure Activities-The Example of the Students from the Aletheia University at Madou in Tainan, Taiwan




郭國軒(Guo-Xuan Guo);柳立偉(Li-Wei Liu);林純鈺(Chun-Yu Lin);劉文玲(Wen-Lin Liu)


大學生 ; 動機 ; 休閒行為 ; College student ; motivation ; leisure activities




7期(2011 / 01 / 01)


37 - 56




本研究主要目的在探討真理大學麻豆校區學生的休閒行為動機。研究方法採用問卷調查為主要工具,受測對象以真理大學麻豆校區之大學生為主,一共發放360份問卷,有效問卷數共335份。以SPSS 12.0 for Window中文套裝統計軟體作為分析工具,所採用的統計方法有百分比分析、因素分析、回歸分析、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析等統計的方式進行資料分析;並以Scheffe法進行事後比較分析。根據研究結果顯示,目的為「抒解壓力」、「結交朋友」、「社會技能」、「獲得新知」及「鍛鍊身體」上,女性同意度較高於男性;年級方面,休閒參與為「知性活動」、「文藝性活動」及「社交性活動」之目的為「抒解壓力」、「結交朋友」及「獲得新知」皆是隨著年級提高,同意度愈高;每週休閒頻率方面,在各類型休閒活動中,休閒頻率較低者對目的為「結交朋友」、「獲得新知」及「鍛鍊身體」同意度較高。


This research mainly aimed at investigating the undergraduates' motivations of engagement in leisure activities in the Aletheia University at Madou in Tainan, Taiwan. The study surveyed the students attended the Aletheia University at Madou by adopting questionnaire as the primarily research instrument that 335 out of the total 360 questionnaires distributed were valid. The Mandarin version of the statistics software, the SPSS 12.0 for Window was used for data analysis. The statistical methods applied to analyze collected data were percentage analysis, factor analysis, regression analysis, t test for independent samples, and single factor variance analysis; and Scheffe was used for afterward comparative analysis. The results showed gender difference toward engaging in leisure activities that females tended to agree more than males on the factors of ”to release pressure,” ”to make friends,” ”to promote social skills,” ”to gain new knowledge,” as well as ”to have physical training.” As to the aspect of participation motivations of the undergraduate in different school years, the longer time the students attended college, the more they agreed on the preferences of participating in ”intellectual activities,” ”literary activities,” and ”social activities” according to the factors of ”to release pressure,” ”to make friends,” ”to gain new knowledge;” furthermore, in the aspect of frequency of every week, among various kind of leisure activities, the undergraduate who indicated lower frequency in taking part of leisure activities agreed more on the factors of ”to make friend,” ”to gain new knowledge,” and ”to have physical training.”

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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