


The Impacts of Policy Deregulation for Chinese Tourist on Taiwanese Tourism Industry




張宏生(Hong-Sheng Chang)


社會文化衝擊 ; 經濟衝擊 ; 實體環境衝擊 ; 層級分析法 ; Social culture impact ; economic impact ; environment impact ; AHP




6期(2009 / 06 / 01)


15 - 32






The purpose of this work is to elucidate how relaxation from mainland China brings up the social culture impact, economic impact and environment impact on tourism industry in Taiwan, and explores the hierarchy of this relationship. Samples were collected using the questionnaire, which had been assessed the quality of our measurement efforts by investigating reliability and validity. To understand the appropriate models for each dimension, the study applied Analytic Hierarchy Process from the aspect of three impacts, including social culture impact, economic impact and environment impact, and set up criteria through literature review and the analysis of enterprise documents. Finally, a copy of professional questionnaire was created to undertake the survey, as well as to make the optimal weights for the target tourism industry in Taiwan. For future research, other variables of relaxation may influence tourism industry in Taiwan should be discussed. In practice, government can hone the relevant variables to raise the effect of social culture impact, economic impact and environment impact on tourism industry. Finally, this study provides a new hierarchy of the relationships among social culture impact, economic impact and environment impact on tourism industry.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
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