


A Study on the Relationship between Leisure Attitudes and Benefits for Senior High School Students in Ping-Tung City and County




何篤光(Tu-Kuang Ho);沈志堅(Chih-Chien Shen);楊馥琴(Fu-Jin Yang)


休閒態度 ; 休閒效益 ; Leisure attitude ; Leisure benefit




6期(2009 / 06 / 01)


33 - 46




本研究主要目的爲瞭解與分析屏東縣、市高中生休閒態度以及休閒效益之間的關係。調查以屏東縣、市6所公、私立高中生爲研究對象,總計發出600份問卷,回收600份,有效問卷爲533份,有效問卷回收率爲89%。本研究以「高中生休閒態度與休閒效益之問卷」爲研究工具,其內容包括基本資料、休閒態度量表(LAS)與休閒效益量表(LBS)等三個部分。回收資料以統計套裝軟體SPSS15.0英文版執行,採用內容信度與效度分析(採專家鑑別法)、描述性統計、皮爾森相關積差、多變量分析(MANOVA)及Scheffe事後比較等統計分析後獲得以下結果: (一)屏東縣、市高中生之休閒態度傾向正面積極,並從他(她)們所喜愛的休閒活動中獲得生理、心理與社交上的效益。就休閒態度量表(LAS)各構面而言,受測者休閒態度依序爲:認知構面(M=4.45)、情感構面(M=4.26)與行爲構面(M=3.82)。就休閒效益量表(LBS)各構面而言,受測者休閒效益依序爲:生理構面(M=4.31)、心理構面(M=4.29)與社會構面(M=4.25)。 (二)性別與居住地不同,在其休閒態度與行爲上有顯著差異。相較其他地區,居住在屏東市地區學生之休閒態度比較正面與積極;而男性學生在休閒參與行爲表現上也比女性學生較爲積極。 (三)從多變量分析(MANOVA)及Scheffe事後比較分析中發現,不同背景變項不會在休閒效益構面上造成顯著差異。 (四)受測者之休閒態度與效益呈顯著線性相關;休閒態度愈積極正面,其獲得休閒效益則愈高。 最後根據研究發現,提出研究結論與建議給相關單位,對未來相關研究以及休閒教育之品質提升的一個思考參酌。


The general problem of this research was to analyze leisure activities participation, and the relationship between the leisure attitude and leisure benefit for selected senior high school students in Ping-Tung city and county, Taiwan. In total, six hundred questionnaires were distributed, and six hundred questionnaires were returned (n=600). Sixty seven questionnaires were invalid. The other five hundred and thirty-three questionnaires were complete and valid. Therefore, the response rate of valid questionnaires was 89%. The collected questionnaires were analyzed by using SPSS version 15.0 to describe and analyze descriptive statistics, MANOVA, Pearson’s product-moment, and reliability analysis. The empirical findings are as follows: 1. The researcher suggested the subjects had positive attitudes toward their favorite leisure activities and obtain the physical benefits, psychological benefits, and social benefits from these activities. 2. The researcher discovered only home locations and gender had significant differences. The Scheffé method indicated the subjects from Ping-Tung City had more positive affective attitude toward leisure activities than those from Ping-Tung County. Moreover, the male subjects have more positive behavioral responses for leisure activities than females. This finding suggested these male subjects spent more time, effort and money on their favorite activities than female subjects. 3. Through a MANOVA in Leisure Benefit Scale (LBS), the researcher discovered the differences in demographic variables did not cause a significant difference on the aspect of physical benefits, psychological benefits and social benefits. 4. In this research, the researcher found that a positive correlation existed between leisure attitudes and leisure benefits for the senior high school students in Ping-Tung city and county. The results of this research present the concrete suggestions to be used as the reference for Taiwan's leisure education improvement in the future.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
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