


Exploring Edutourism-an Example of Taiwanese Adolescents in Peking Olympics Learning Camp




劉翠華(Chui-Hua Liu);陳海藍(Hai-Lan Chen);邱佩君(Pei-Chun Chiu);林澤洲(Jason Lin)


教育觀光 ; 教育觀光客 ; 旅遊決策 ; 旅遊動機 ; 旅遊滿意度 ; edutourism ; edutourism tourist ; travel decision-making ; travel motivation ; travel satisfaction




7期(2010 / 07 / 01)


83 - 103






Using the methods of ”in-depth interviews” and ”participant observations”, a qualitative study was conducted to explore eudtourism and edutourist behavior of 15 Taiwanese adolescents, who participated in the Peking Olympics Learning Camp (POLC) in 2008. It is found that the adolescent participants indeed meet the definition of ”edutourist” because they truly indulge in a tour full of educational, inspirational and learning components, all inclusive in the POLC. In specific, the POLC can be concluded with a strong association with the term 'edutourism'. Regarding the most impressive experiences, as reported, they are visiting of historical sites in Peking, broadening minds and interpersonal relationships. By contrast, the most dissatisfying comments contribute to poor lodging facilities, lack of internet service, and arranging no visits on symbolic Olympic facilities, such as ”Bird-nest” stadium and ”Water-cubicle” facility. The findings can be helpful with policy making for government tourism officials and tourism business sector, and valuable for both practical and academic fields.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
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