


Attraction Analysis between Taiwan and the Major Outbound Destinations of Mainland China




鍾良瑾(Liang-Chin Chung);林玥秀(Yueh-Hsiu Lin)


出境旅遊 ; 吸引力 ; 大陸旅客 ; 旅行社 ; 質性訪談 ; outbound travel ; attraction ; Mainland Chinese visitors ; Travel agency ; qualitative research interviews




9期(2012 / 06 / 01)


1 - 23






In the last few years, Chinese outbound market has grown dramatically along with the rapid progress of China's economy. How to attract Mainland Chinese visitors has become a crucial issue for many countries in the world. This paper intends to collect opinions from travel related practitioners & authorities in China concerning the attraction differences between Taiwan and other main outbound destinations of China. A total of 25 interviewees from Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen were interviewed, their average work experience is 15 years. All respondents were asked to answer a list of semi-structured questions, and the interviews usually last for 60 to 150 minutes.The results showed that the main outbound destinations of Chinese visitors were Hong Kong, Macau, Singapore, Thailand, Korea, Japan and Malaysia. The major reasons for these destinations to attract Chinese visitor were inexpensive prices, both transportation and entry visa convenience, as well as exoticism; whereas national sentiments, emotional ties between Taiwan & Mainland China, sense of mystery results from half century's segregation, pop culture and idols are key attractions of Taiwan.The results suggested that in order to attract mainland Chinese visitors, Taiwan should emphasis her emotional ties with China. The Chinese culture preserves in Taiwan after the retreat of Chiang Kai-shek from the mainland China and both Chiang and his son's contribution to Taiwan could be the main focuses of marketing campaign for Taiwan. Suggestion for future research is to carry out more market research targeted toward provincial segmentation of China since now the mainland Chinese are free to travel to Taiwan as free independent travelers.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
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