


To Explore the Study of Night Market of Consumers' Intention, Satisfaction and Behavior-Example of Tainan Golden Night Market


郭國軒(Kuo-Shuan Kuo)


趕集性夜市 ; 消費意願 ; 消費滿意 ; 行為意圖 ; Night Market ; Intention ; Satisfaction ; Behavior




10期(2015 / 09 / 01)


111 - 130




本研究目的是在探討至趕集性夜市消費族群的意願研究,主要從消費意願、消費滿意、行為意圖等三大構面來進行探討。受測對象以至台南市花園夜市的消費族群為問卷對象,選擇332人次作為本研究的受測對象,有效問卷共332份,佔全體95%。資料處理採用SPSS 12.0 for Windows之統計套裝軟體進行資料分析,分析方法計為次數分配、因素分析、迴歸分析及單因子變異數分析等。經本研究結果發現,「性別」對於「人潮攤位」、「包裝精緻」、「商品期待」、「推薦親友」有顯著差異。「情感」對於「時間長短」、「與眾不同」、「座位多寡」有顯著性。收入對於「價格高低」、「與眾不同」、「熱情招呼」、「小吃期待」、「菜色份量」、「出餐速度」、「走道空間」、「人潮攤位」有顯著性。年齡對於「座位多寡」、「熱情招呼」、「商品期待」、「整體期待」、「走道空間」有顯著性。教育對於「座位多寡」、「熱情招呼」、「菜色份量」、「出餐速度」、「廁所指標」、「廁所整潔」、「人潮攤位」有顯著性。職業對於「包裝精緻」、「小吃期待」、「走道空間」、「廁所指標」、「人潮攤位」有顯著性。居住地對於「小吃期待」、「商品期待」、「停車規劃」有顯著性。同行對象對於「價格高低」、「包裝精緻」、「再度光臨」、「廁所指標」、「廁所整潔」、「人潮攤位」有顯著性。


The purpose of this study was to explore the possibility of factors for Tainan Golden Night Market consumers. Those factors included intention of consumer, satisfaction and behavior were conducted to this study. This study also investigated whether those factors were enhanced among sex, marriage, revenue, age, education, occupation, company and residence, while consumers were visiting to Tainan Colden Night Market. The 332 volunteers were selected form Tainan Colden NightMarket in this study and took part in questionnaire investigation. Research questionnaires were analyzed using Frequency, factors, Multiple regression & One-way ANOVA. The findings of this study implied that those factors significantly difference among sex, marriage, revenue, age, education, occupation, company and residence. Those were including people with sex, revenue, education and company; package with sex and occupation; production with sex, age and residence; recommendation with sex; time with marriage; character with marriage and revenue; seat number with marriage, age, education; price with revenue and company; enthusiasm with revenue, age, education; snacks with revenue, occupation and residence; volume with revenue and education; speed with revenue and education; space with revenue, age and occupation; expectance with age; toilet direction with education and occupation; toilet tiding with education and company; parking with residence, finally, repetition with company.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
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