Purpose: this study was to examine the results of an employee walking program introduced to a medical center in central Taiwan. These included changes in employee bodyweight before and after the program, choice of walking areas, motivation for walking, and the difficulties encountered after joining the walking program. Methods: A single group pre and post test design approach was adopted for this study. The subjects were employees that took part in the walking program in 2008. The ”Walking Behavior Scale” was used for before and after measurements, and a total of 145 valid before and after responses retrieved. Results: (1) There were significant difference after the walking program in employees' body weight loss involved 0.3 kilograms, and BMI decreased by 0.78 units. (2) There was a significant difference in the choice of walking area before and after the program. The difference was particularly significant for options such as schools, streets and residential buildings. (3) The more motivated an employee was, the less difficulty they had with lack of venues. Conclusion: The results showed that walking contributed significantly to the lowering of employees' body weight and BMI. This study recommends providing better landscaping and promotion of walking environments and their design in order to encourage people to take up this activity. Through advocacy aid personal benefits of sharing knowledge to dance walking brisk walking intention to strengthen, continue to brisk walking. Workplaces should consider paining walking proposals and activity plans one continuous basis.
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