


The Impact Factor of Tainan University Student Choose of Leisure Sports by Bourdieu's View




吳慶烜(Ching-Hsuan Wu);陳亭霓(Ting-Ni Chen);李先智(Hsuen-Zhih Lee);姚佳君(Chia-Chun Yao)


休閒運動 ; 參與選擇 ; 布爾迪厄 ; 場域 ; 習癖 ; Leisure Sports ; Choose of Participates ; Bourdieu ; Habitus ; Field




31期(2005 / 12 / 01)


373 - 388




從台灣社會變遷的趨勢而論,經濟發展和教育普及,使的休閒運動由原有閒有錢階級轉變成普及之大眾化。本研究藉由布爾迪厄(Bourdieu)之習癖、場域與家庭環境三向度之概念,並以台南某科技大學學生為對象進行調查。本研究結果為有效問卷579份,經pearson相關係數分析及單因子變異數分析(One-way ANOVA)統計方法,α=0.5為顯著考驗水準,經進行資料分析後,得出下列幾點結論:1.學生的性別、年齡、居住地之差異與休閒運動參與選擇有顯著性差異,2.參與休閒運動的項目,與其父母參與的休閒運動項目有顯著性關係,3.大學生對休閒運動設施參與區位,強調整體設施的便利性,同伴共同參與公共、準公共休閒運動設施,對健康的需求相當重視。總言之,大學生休閒運動參與的選擇與其習癖、所處場域,以及家庭環境有關,故建議下一代休閒運動參與的選擇,需由家庭紮根做起,方能達成全民運動的目標。


From the trend and theory of the Taiwanese and social change, the economy develops to popularize with education, making of the recreation exercises by originally possessed carefree have money class change universal and popularize. This research by Bourdieu's view habitus, field and the family environment, and with university the student in Tainan carries on the inquisition for the object. The origin studies the result as valid 579s of questionnaire, analyzed the One-way ANOVA by analytical and singling factor the variation numbering of the Pearson relate ding coefficient to statistics the method, α=.05 is an obvious test level, after carrying on the data analysis, have to pay following what time conclusion: 1. Participant’s sex, age, live the ground, educational background, occupation and the difference and the recreation exercise of the income to participate to choose to have the obvious sex difference, 2. Participate the item of the recreation exercise, has the obvious sexual relationship with the recreational exercise item that its parents participate, 3. The people participate the niche to the recreational exercise facilities, emphasizing the convenience of the whole facilities, the companion participates the public and quasi- and public recreation exercise facilities together, valuing rather to the healthy need. To sum up, university student recreation the exercise participates of the choice and its habitus, field, and the family environment relevant, past suggestion the next generation is recreational the exercise participates of choice, need is radiated by the family to do, then can reach the civil and athletic target.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
醫藥衛生 > 藥理醫學
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