


Civil-Military Relation after the Mid Period of the South Song Dynasty (1190-1279)




吳涓(Jane Wu)


文武關係 ; Civil-Military Relation




32期(2006 / 12 / 01)


636 - 650






The article is to study Civil-Military Relation after the mid period of the South Song Dynasty as a continuation of my former article: 「Civil-Military Relation During the Early Period of the South Song Dynast」.There are three dimensions in the research. The first one tries to discuss the political situation after Guang Emperor of South Song Dynasty and Civil-Military Relation under authoritative bureaucrats. The South Song Dynasty's destruction is definitely in relation with its political corruption after the mid period of the South Song Dynasty. Such bureaucrats as Shyy, Mi-Yeuan, Ding, Dah-Chyuan and Gau, Syh-Daw tyrannically abuse their power and make the political situation worsen. Secondly, from the arguments of peace-talk or war-fighting between the South and the North and the vicissitude of Civil-Military Relation after the government's moving to the south, the government's policy of replacing war-fighting to peace-talk affects the harmonious Civil-Military Relation at the court, and hurt reliability between central power and regional power. Finally, the military system after the mid period of the South Song Dynasty also affects Civil-Military Relation. Ning Emperor of South Song Dynasty intensifies the military system by the Civil's governing the Military after Wu, Shi's (from Shuu-Chuan) rebellion to Jin Dynasty. The conflict between the Civil and the Military causes their disagreement in the battlefield. The Military's moral depresses. It's hard for them to fight against enemy cooperatively. Another lurking danger of the over-powered Civil's endangering the Emperor also appears gradually. The followings mentioned above lead the South Song Dynasty to destruction.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
醫藥衛生 > 藥理醫學
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