The purpose of this research is to analyze the evolution and development of Taiwan's top ten marketing research issues based on the articles appeared in the journals of Taiwan Social Science Citation Index (TSSCI). The research method ”Content Analysis” is used to explore journals, such as Sun Yat-Sen Management Review, NTU Management Review, Journal of Management, and Management Review from 1981 to 2006.
The research results show that: (1) In general, ”marketing strategy management” and ”consumer behavior” are the most popular issues of TSSCI journals. On the other hand, ”Government & Society” and ”Pricing” are the least popular research issues. (2) By analyzing research topics, among 1981 to 2006 issues of marketing researches, ”consumer behavior” and ”marketing strategy” are the most popular topics. The amount of 4Ps related researches are stable. However, the amount of ”pricing” research topic is relatively fewer than a regular volume. ”E-marketing” appears later yet gets more attentions gradually. The research topic about ”Government & Society” is consistently ignored. (3) There are correlations among different research topics. The research results of this paper help consequent researchers further understand the current trend and undeveloped research topics of TSSCI marketing journals. It provides a precise research topic for choice. In addition, this paper is classified by research topics. It provides an alternative choice for traditional marketing researchers. It also shows different aspects in the development of marketing researches.
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