


The Study of Consumer Behavior for Hot Spring Resorts in Guan-Zi-Ling




梁俊煌(Chun-Huang Liang);高如儀(Ju-I Kao);陳秀華(Show-Hua Chen);張文權(Win-Cheng Chang)


溫泉旅館 ; 消費者行爲 ; Hot spring resorts ; Consumer behavior




32期(2006 / 12 / 01)


731 - 743




本研究爲一探索性研究,旨在探討溫泉旅館遊客之消費者行爲。以關子嶺溫泉區 七家合法溫泉旅館遊客爲研究對象,藉由問卷調查及統計分析結果來瞭解人口統計變數、休閒動機、休閒滿意度及購買行爲之特;同時探討在不同變數的差異,進而提出觀光行銷方面的建議。 研究結果發現:遊客在整體休閒滿意度傾向正面態度。人口統計變項中除了從事服務業的比率較高外,其它變項與近年來相關研究結果相近。並發現休閒動機愈高的 遊客,休閒滿意度也越高。不同教育程度與重遊意願在休閒滿意度上呈現顯著差異情形。本研究結果可建立遊客消費特性及人口統計等基礎資料,以提供旅館業者掌握遊 客特性之參考。


This research is an exploratory study. The purpose of this research was to inquire into consumer behavior of hot spring resort. The consumers of seven legitimate hot spring resorts were chosen from Guan-Zi-Ling hot spring area. The consumer's behavior analysis included the characteristics about tourist population statistical variables, recreational motivation, recreational satisfaction and purchasing behavior. Results of this research revealed that the tourists toward the positive attitude in overall recreational satisfaction in Guan-Zi-Ling hot spring resorts. In population statistical variables, most of variables were similar to the recent studies except for a higher proportion people were engaged in the service industries. The findings in the study also found that the tourists with higher value of recreational motivation were increasing in their satisfaction. The ratio of tourists with graduate school level apparently dissatisfies in two factors: natural scenery and cultural experience, and service perception. People whom are unwilling to go to the resort again are dissatisfied with facilities, recreational consumption, environmental perception and service perception. The researching papers about tourists of hot spring resorts are in the developmental growth in Taiwan. Understanding the basic information regarding about trade characteristics of consumers are important for enhancing the consumers attracting strategy. Therefore, tourism businessmen can catch on characteristics of tourists definitely and establish the better mode of management.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
醫藥衛生 > 藥理醫學
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