


The Learning Needs of the Staff of Elderly Related Organizations: A Preliminary Study




張瀝分(Lih-Fen Chang);龔玉齡(Yu-Lin Kung);范晉嘉(Jin-Jia Fan);陳麗珠(Lee-Ju Cheng)


高齡產業人員 ; 學習需求 ; the staff of elderly related organizations ; learning needs




34期(2008 / 12 / 01)


676 - 688




本研究目的在瞭解從事高齡產業相關事業及照顧服務機構人員學習需求之現況,並探討不同背景變項的高齡產業從事人員與學習需求之關係。 本研究採問卷調查法,研究對象爲參與嘉南藥理科技大學舉辦之「生活照顧與活動設計實務研討會」中從事高齡產業相關事業及照顧服務機構的人員爲受測對象,共發山130份問卷,有效問卷共114份,有效率爲87.7%,並以百分比、平均數、單因子變異數分析、LSD事後比較等統計方法加以分析,結果發現:現今從事高齡產業相關事業及照顧服務機構人員以女性爲主,年齡以31~40歲〈含〉者最多、教育程度以火學、高中畢業者居多、畢業科系以社工系爲主、從事高齡產業年資以三年以上至六年〈含〉者最多,在從事高齡產業前,以未接受過相關領域之教育研習或培訓活動者爲多。 研究結果顯示,從事高齡產業人員對於「專門應用知能學習需求」中之「健全國內醫療政策發展」、「心理或壓力調適」該兩項分層層而之需求程度最爲顯著,對於「基礎實用知能學習需求」中之「老人心理與行爲」、「人際關係與溝通技巧」項分層層面之需求程度最爲顯著。而較高教育程度且從業年資較長之女性的學習帶需程度較高。 本研究結果,可提供政府機關或民間高齡產業相關單位在未來規劃高齡者福利措施及從業人員專業訓練課程上之參考。


The purpose of this study as to understand the current situation of the ”learning needs” and the analysis on the different situation of the various aspects of ”learning needs” of the staffs governed by different personal background variables. With the staffs who participated in ”Life Care and Activity Design Seminar” in CHNA university and working in the elderly related organizations as the targets, the research came out questionnaire investigation of the learning needs. There are 114 valid questionnaires returned yielding a valid return rate of 87.7%. Statistical analysis is made on the information collected from the questionnaires by using SPSS package software version 10.0. The major result of this study were as follows: the staffs showed high learning needs to all different course, among them the highest motivated subjects are ”well domestic medication policy” and ”mental or stress adjustment” in ”learning needs of specialized knowledge” aspect. Another, in ”learning needs of practice skill” aspect, ”elderly psychology and behavior” and ”interpersonal relationship and communication technique” are the highest needs of the staffs. Besides, the more educated and working experience female staffs hose learning needs are higher. It is hoped that findings of this study will serve as reference for related government agencies and the elderly related organizations in their future planning of on-job training and continuing education programs for staffs in order to increase their opportunities for learning and to upgrade the quality of staffs.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
醫藥衛生 > 藥理醫學
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