


Effects of Counseling Group Program on the University Students' Dissolution Adaptation Ability




魏郁潔(Yu-Chieh Wei);江承曉(Cheng-Hsiao Chiang)


輔導團體 ; 分手 ; 調適能力 ; counseling group ; dissolution ; adaptation ability




35期(2009 / 12 / 01)


367 - 381




本研究旨在探討輔導團體介入對於提昇大學生分手調適能力之成效研究。研究採非典型準實驗設計,研究對象樣本取自某私立大學一至三年級的學生共九人,接受八週每次二小時的輔導團體介入活動。團體活動設計以提昇大學生分手調適能力爲主題,並配合團體輔導理論爲設計架構,進行團體輔導活動。本成效研究以「分手認知量表」、「分手調適量表」及「課程滿意度調查評量」做爲量性的研究工具,以「單元團體檢核單」及「團體總檢核單」作爲質性的研究工具。 研究結果發現,實驗組在輔導團體介入活動後,在「分手認知量表」中僅「認清分手的正面意義」有明顯進步,達顯著水準,其餘項目的分數皆有進步的情形,顯示受試者有正向的體會與改變,但未達顯著水準。在「分手調適量表」中僅「困惑」達顯著水準,顯示團體介入對減輕分手導致的困惑,是有實際的效果。其餘項目的分數皆有改進的情形,顯示受試者有正向的體會與改變,然而均未達顯著水準。在「課程滿意度調查評量」中,成員滿意度平均高達9.88,顯示爲「非常滿意」的程度,顯示本實驗研究在課程滿意度上,確實發揮了成效。在質性資料中亦顯示於本輔導團體介入活動中有正向影響與反應,成員多表示對過去分手事件的心情釋懷以及成長的一面,能夠以不同的、全新的角度去看待分手這件事情。成員多表示很喜歡團體形式,很喜歡輔導員的帶領,有許多的體驗與學習。 研究結論爲:量性與質性的研究皆顯示,本研究在課程內容的設計上,成員皆有很高的滿意度,質性資料顯示輔導團體介入活動對提昇大學生分手調適能力具有正向影響,但在量性的分析上,並未全面達到顯著水準,可能與實驗組成員個別情況不同、以及時間介入不足,尚不足以形成顯著的認知與行爲改變有關。 最後,根據研究結果,針對學校教育、輔導工作及未來研究提出具體建議。


The purpose of this study was to assess the effect of the dissolution adaptability counseling group program for the university student. The participants were all chosen from one university students, from grade1 to grade3. The experimental group received 8 weeks 16 hours' counseling group program. The experimental group received the Cognitive Adaptation to Dissolution Scale (CADS)、the Coping to Dissolution Scale (CDS) and satisfy scale of group program after practice. The unit-check lists for each week and the last group-check list were collected and used for quality analysis. The results are found that recognizing the meaning of breaking up subscales in CADS reached significant difference, but others didn't. In CDS, only confused subscales reached significant difference, but others didn't. The satisfy scale of group program had shown the experimental group were very satisfied with this practice. Results from this study also indicated the effect of the counseling group had positive effect. The experimental group was very satisfied with this practice for quantity and quality analysis. The results from quality data was shown that the experimental group had the positive change after the practice, but only two subscales reached the significant difference. It may need to consider the individual conditions and time factor. Finally, some practical suggestions were provided for education organization counseling activity in school, and future researches.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
醫藥衛生 > 藥理醫學
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