


Marketing Experience of the Howard Beach Resort in Kenting-The Kano Exquisite Way Will Take Two-Dimensional Ways to Discuss




劉明盛(Mean-Shen Liu);謝雯如(Wen-Ru Xie);姚惠文(Hui-Wen Yao);張玉芷(Yu-Zhi Zhang);曾于庭(Yu-Ting Zeng);王薇雁(Wei-Yan Wang)


體驗行銷 ; 服務品質 ; 精緻化Kano二維模式 ; Experiential marketing ; Service quality ; Kano exquisite way will take two-dimensional ways




38期(2012 / 12 / 01)


249 - 263




隨著經濟的成長以及對生活品質的要求不斷提升,國際間休閒產業日漸盛行,觀光產業漸受重視,根據交通部觀光局統計,來台旅客人數呈現正增長,因此國內飯店業的需求量增加。「以客為尊」是市場趨勢,消費者也由被動轉為充滿影響力,所以觀光旅館產業的品質必須讓消費者感受到完善且美好的體驗。精緻化Kano二維模式除了可明確定義品質要素之屬性,也可依據品質屬性上的差異性取得競爭優勢,經由五種模組及精緻化Kano二維模式來探討飯店的體驗行銷服務項目,透過問卷來調查顧客滿意度、重要度,這些調查結果可作為飯店業者做行銷決策時的參考。 本研究發現在飯店業者提供的品質要素中,消費者對於「客房整潔度」、「顧客權益」、「飯店常客優惠」、「飯店的設施」、「住宿折扣」等5項較為滿意及重視。透過Kano模式之問卷調查發現,飯店品質要素分別落在必須品質及無差異品質,具有二維品質特性,業者可藉此衡量飯店品質並改善。在顧客滿意度及再宿意願方面,本研究由整體問項改善品質得知,感官體驗滿意度最高,是顧客較為重視的部分,飯店應以該構面之要素作為服務品質優先考量之項目。


With the economic growth and demand for the promotion of the quality of the life constantly, the international recreation industry is becoming more and more popular day by day. The tour industry pays attention to the amount gradually, according to the Travel Bureau. The number of passengers to Taiwan is straightly growing, so the demand for the domestic hotels is also increasing. 'all the customers focus' on marketing trends, and the consumers can be influenced too, so the quality of the hotels should make consumers feel positive. Being Exquisite in two-dimensional Kano way can define the key attribute for the quality clearly, and it can also give competitive advantage according to the difference of attributes. They are completely molded by five groups and the Kano exquisite way will take two-dimensional ways to discuss the hotel experience on sale throughout the service items. Later, the customer satisfaction will be investigated. And this is an by questionnaires. When these investigation results can make a marketing decision for the hotel industry.As it is found in this research, among the quality factors provided by the hotel industry, consumers show higher emphasis and satisfaction on 5 items, namely ,”Room Neatness”, ”Customer Equity”, ”Hotel Regular Customers”, ”Hotel Facilities” and ”Accommodation Discounts”. As it is found through question survey results in the Kano model, the quality factors of hotels separately fall on necessity quality and non-difference quality. It is featured with two-dimensional quality available for hotel service providers to measure and improve their service quality. In view of customer satisfaction and re-purchase intention, in this research, it is found from the overall improvement indicators of questionnaires, sensory experience satisfaction gains the highest score with stronger emphasis placed by customers. The dimensional factors should be firstly taken into consideration for hotel service quality.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
醫藥衛生 > 藥理醫學
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