


The Study of Preventive Health Behaviors among Professional Drivers-Based on Health Belief Model




趙海倫(Hail-Lun Chao);陳宇平(Yu-Ping Chen);林為森(Weir-Sen Lin);許訓豪(Syun-Hao Hsu);王芝婷(Jhih-Ting Wang);林建宏(Chien-Hung Lin)


職業駕駛 ; 健康預防 ; 健康信念模式 ; professional drivers ; health prevention ; health belief model




38期(2012 / 12 / 01)


671 - 681




本研究主要目的在以健康信念模式為基礎並加入自我評價概念,以探討各種影響職業駕駛員健康預防行為之因素。研究採用自編問卷,針對中、南部某客運公司、計程車行與私人公司之職業駕駛員進行調查,共發放205份問卷,回收185份有效問卷,研究資料以SPSS19.0統計軟體進行描述性統計、單因子變異數與線性迴歸等方式分析。結果發現:1.年齡愈大、BMI 愈高與已婚的駕駛員,愈在意且不滿意自己的外表與健康;2.收入愈高、工作時數愈長的駕駛員,感覺自己的健康愈差,且影響健康的不良生活習慣愈多;3.對自己健康評價愈高之職業駕駛員,愈認為採取健康預防行為的利益較高、阻礙愈少,而外觀評價愈差且有較多影響健康之生活習慣的駕駛員,愈覺得健康預防行為益處不大且阻礙高;4.在引起行動線索的每個項目,如媒體、家人、朋友與醫護人員的提醒,皆會讓職業駕駛員感受到疾病的威脅性,且較會實際採取健康預防性的行為。依據研究結果建議,在進行職業駕駛之健康促進方案設計時,宜針對不同自我健康評價之駕駛員,提供不同之健康促進方案;而對駕駛員宣導相關健康知識時,也應納入家人一併宣導;且職業駕駛員若因淡旺季等工作殊性,造成某段時間收入高、工時加長時,更需在該時段強化健促方案的執行,以維護駕駛員的健康。


The purpose of this study is to explore the impact of various factors on health preventive behaviors of professional drivers by using the health belief model incorporated self-evaluation concept. Self study using questionnaires, survey for, southern passenger transport companies, taxi company and the private company of professional driver, and a total of 205 questionnaires were distributed recovered 185 valid questionnaires, research data SPSS19.0 statistical software descriptive statistics , one-way ANOVA and Linear Regression. The results found that: the older, the BMI the higher and married the driver, the more care and dissatisfied with their appearance and health; 2. Higher the income, the longer the driver working hours, feeling their own health more poor, and the impact of health the more bad habits; professional driver of higher health evaluation, the perception that take the interests of health preventive behavior, the less hindered worse appearance evaluation and have more impact health habits of the driver, the more health prevention behavior benefits not hinder high; 4. remind each cause of action cues, such as the media, family, friends and medical staff are let a professional driver feel to the threat of the disease, and more likely to take the actual health and preventive behavior. Based on the findings suggested conducting professional driver health promotion program design should be the driver for different self-health evaluation, to provide different health promotion programs; driver advocacy related health knowledge, should also be included in the family together with advocacy; and the professional driver Ruoyin short Wang, festival special, resulting in the high income of a certain period of time, longer working hours, more needs to strengthen Kin promote implementation of the program during that period, in order to maintenance the health of the driver.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
醫藥衛生 > 藥理醫學
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