


J. Y. Interpretation NO.587 Explains Comment: Trust and Stability of Permanent Ancient Family System Design


林信雄(Hsin-Hsiung Lin);余元傑(Yuan-Jie Yu)


大法官釋字第587號 ; 民法第1063條 ; 婚生子女否認之訴 ; 電影《不能沒有你》 ; J. Y. Interpretation NO.587 ; Article 1063 of the Civil Code ; Disavowal against the child who has been presumed to be another's legitimate child ; 《No Puedo Vivir Sin Ti》




39期(2013 / 12 / 01)


202 - 213






J. Y. Interpretation NO.587 explanation, breaking law context, an anti-Civil Chamber of the Supreme Court's opinion, declared constitutionally guaranteed right of personality based on the intention, by the presumption of legitimacy of the children have a right to deny the father filed the complaint, and for the biological father could deny the legitimacy of the complaint filed in doubt. J. Y. Interpretation NO.587 explaining that, based on the stability of marriage and the family's harmony and influencing their children's interest in education, at this stage recognize the biological father filed the complaint denying legitimate rights, no beneficial, the actual occurrence of the Supreme Court Precedent Year 75-No.2071 (1986), bench did not unconstitutional. Another law allowed for by the biological father of the children of the marriage is presumed to others deny the complaint filed, the Department in order to avoid litigation and damage to others due to the stability of marriage, the family of the impact of their children's upbringing harmony and interest, there is no conflict with the Constitution. For the future whether the limited relaxation of such legislative action, are the legislative form of freedom.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
醫藥衛生 > 藥理醫學
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