Popular and distinctive restaurants have become a necessity to a hotel's success due to its ability to attract customers and dramatically contribute to a hotel's total revenue. Given the fact that a successful five-star hotel restaurant must not only offer superb food but also deliver excellent service quality to its customers, food and beverage service quality has become increasingly important to the eyes of hotel managers. The purpose of this study is to utilize PZB SERVQUAL model to conduct a questionnaire survey in order to understand customers' perception of service quality and customer satisfaction to Tayih Landis Hotel The Market Place Buffet restaurant. The results of the current study indicate that customers' overall perception of four dimensions of service quality (i.e., Tangles, Reliability, Responsiveness, and Assurance) and their satisfaction to Tayih Landis Hotel The Market Place Buffet restaurant is quite positive. Yet, the score on "Empathy" dimension comparing with other dimensions is relatively low. Moreover, customers' perception of hotel restaurant's empathy is decreasing along with the increase of their frequency of dining. Finally, satisfaction score of customers who revisit this restaurant due to their preference for the hotel is relatively low comparing to customers coming for other purposes. These results provide Tayih Landis Hotel an effective overview of the service quality of its buffet restaurant. At the end, the current study proposes suggestions to Tayih Landis Hotel The Market Place Buffet restaurant to improve its service quality.
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