


Effects of Emotional Management Peer Counseling Group Program on the University Students' Emotional Management Life Skills




江承曉(Cheng-Hsiao Chiang)


生活技能 ; 同儕輔導 ; 情緒管理 ; 團體輔導 ; life skills ; peer counseling ; emotional management ; group counseling




29期(2008 / 06 / 01)


1 - 26




本研究的目的在評估:提昇大學生情緒管理生活技能的同儕輔導團體介入活動的成效。研究採不相等實驗對照組實驗設計,研究對象樣本取自某私立大學一至四年級的學生共20人,分為實驗組10人,接受八週的情緒管理生活技能同儕輔導團體活動介入,對照組10人,不接受任何實驗處理。團體活動課程設計以提升大學生情緒管理生活技能為主題,包含自我情緒辨識、自我情緒管理、人際情緒辨識與人際情緒管理,並結合同儕輔導與團體輔導理論為架構,進行同儕輔導團體介入活動。研究以「大學生情緒管理量表」及「課程滿意度量表」為量化的研究工具,以「情緒週誌」及「課程感想與回饋表」做為質化資料的依據。 研究結果發現:實驗組在情緒管理生活技能的同儕輔導團體介入活動後,在「大學生情緒管理量表」得分上,前測、後測、後後測均呈進步,但均未達顯著水準;對照組在「大學生情緒管理量表」得分上,前測、後測、後後測均無明顯變化,顯示團體介入活動雖有進步,但均未達顯著水準,對照組則無明顯差異。在「課程滿意度量表」中,實驗組成員對團體課程內容學習的滿意程度為很滿意至非常滿意的程度。在「我更知道如何表達與管理情緒了。」,「我更能辨識與幫助他人的情緒反應」上,均達滿意至很滿意;在「我對領導者帶領的方式滿意。」上,達非常滿意;在「我覺得比較能夠覺察到自己在人際互動中的情緒表現。」,「我對情緒與人際關係的相互影響更多有更多的認識。」,「這次團體對我有幫助。」上,均達很滿意至非常滿意,顯示實驗組很滿意至非常滿意同儕輔導團體介入活動。實驗組在質化資料中亦顯示參與者於本同儕輔導團體介入活動中有正向影響與反應,成員多表示很高興參加本同儕輔導團體,有很大的學習與收穫,很喜歡團體形式,很喜歡同儕輔導員的帶領,亦有成員覺得時間太短,有許多的體驗與練習,來不及吸收與內化,建議可以延長團體或加開進階團體。 研究結論為:量化與質化研究皆顯示,本實驗研究在課程內容與活動設計上,確實具有很高的滿意度與正向成效,質化研究顯示同儕輔導團體介入活動在提昇大學生情緒管理生活技能上具有正向反應與影響,但在提昇大學生情緒管理生活技能之量化分析上,則未達改變成效。顯示八週共16小時的團體介入,可能尚不足以培養出穩定顯著的情緒管理生活技能與行為,行為的養成可能需要更長期的課程或活動介入。 最後,根據研究結果,針對學校教育、輔導工作及未來研究提出具體建議。


The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of the emotional management peer counseling group program for the university students. The participants were all chosen from one university students. The samples consisted of 20 subjects, from 1 grade to 4 grade, they were assigned to two groups. The experimental group received 8 week 16 hours' emotional management life skills peer counseling group program. The control group had no treatment. The samples received an EQ scale for pre-test before practice and received two post-tests after practice. The experimental group received a satisfy scale of group program after practice. The feedbacks and weekly journals from the experimental group for each week were also collected and used for quality analysis. The results are found that the total score of EQ from the experimental group had shown promoting but not reach significant difference. The satisfy scale of group program had shown the experimental group were very satisfied for this practice. The results from quality data was shown that the experimental group had the positive change after the practice. Findings from these results indicated the effect of the emotional management peer counseling group had positive effect. And a longer of the emotional management life skills program may need to practice to reach significant change for emotional management life skills. Finally, some practical suggestions were provided for education organization, counseling activity in school, and future researches.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
社會科學 > 體育學
社會科學 > 社會學
社會科學 > 社會學
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