


A Study on Caring Attitude and Caring Efficacy for Peers with Asthma among Elementary School Students




張美智(Mei-Chi Chang);趙淑員(Shu-Yuan Chao);賴香如(Hsiang-Ru Lai)


同儕關係 ; 國小學童 ; 關懷態度 ; 關懷效能 ; caring attitude ; caring efficacy ; elementary school students ; friendship relation




29期(2008 / 06 / 01)


51 - 72




本研究主要目的在了解國小學童對氣喘同儕關懷態度及關懷效能的現況,並探討其與個人背景因素、同儕關係、氣喘相關經驗、氣喘相關知識之關係。以九十五學年度就讀台北市某國小之四、五、六年級學生為母群體,依年級分層隨機集束抽取11班285名學生為樣本,以自編結構式問卷為工具,共得有效樣本284人,有效回收率99%。資料以單因子變異分析、皮爾森積差相關和逐步迴歸分析等方法進行分析,結果如下: 1.研究對象對氣喘同儕多持正向關懷態度,並以對協助氣喘同儕的態度最佳;關懷效能把握程度佳,且以協助氣喘同儕參與學校活動的把握程度最佳。2.女生的關懷態度和關懷效能均比男生高。同儕關係、氣喘相關經驗、氣喘相關知識與關懷態度及關懷效能呈正相關。3.同儕關係和氣喘相關知識是對氣喘同儕關懷態度的最佳預測變項,可解釋其23.3%的變異量。4.同儕關係、氣喘相關知識、氣喘相關經驗、氣喘病史和母親教育程度是對氣喘同儕關懷效能的最佳預測變項,可解釋35.2%的變異量。 依據研究結果,提供學校氣喘管理與教育介入之建議,期望對氣喘學童學校適應有助益。


The purposes of this study were to explore elementary school students’ caring attitude and caring efficacy for peers with asthma, and their relationships to individual factors, experience of asthma, knowledge of asthma, and friendship relation. Stratified random cluster sampling was used to select 285 samples from fourth, fifth, and sixth grade students in one Taipei elementary school during the school year of 2006. Two hundred eighty four students provided valid data with a self-administered questionnaire. One-way ANOVA, Pearson product moment correlation, and stepwise regression were utilized. The major results of this study were as follows: 1. The subjects' caring attitude toward peers with asthma was positive and caring efficacy for peers with asthma was good. 2. Girls' caring attitude toward and caring efficacy for peers with asthma were higher than those of boys. Friendship relation, experience of asthma, and knowledge of asthma were positively correlated with caring attitude toward and caring efficacy for peers with asthma. 3. Friendship relation and knowledge of asthma were important predictors of caring attitude toward peers with asthma. These two variables could explain 23.3% variance of caring attitude toward peers with asthma. 4. Friendship relation, knowledge of asthma, experience of asthma, asthma history, and mother's education level were the best predictors of caring efficacy for peers with asthma. These five variables could explain 35.2% variance of caring efficacy for peers with asthma. Finally, recommendations for educational intervention and asthma management in elementary schools are provided.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
社會科學 > 體育學
社會科學 > 社會學
社會科學 > 社會學
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