The aim of this study was to analyze the relationships between empowerment attributes and sense of community on school-community partnership. This cross-sectional study used probability proportional sampling to recruit 867 participants in sixteen health promoting schools (eight primary schools and 8 junior high schools) in Taiwan. Structured questionnaires were designed to collect data on demographic characteristics, school data, participating community, empowerment attributes, sense of community and school-community partnership. The results of stepwise regression have showed that external attributes of empowerment was the important factor for predicting sense of community and school and community partnerships, accounting for up to 50% variances of these variables. Among the results of total sample, external attributes of empowerment, action sense of community, participating seminar about health promoting school, affection of sense of community and internal attributes of empowerment were significant variables for predicting school-community partnerships (R^2=.66). Among the sample subset who are junior high school members (n=455), external attributes of empowerment, affection sense of community, internal attributes of empowerment, participating seminar about health promoting school and action sense of community were significant variables for predicting school-community partnerships (R^2=.65). Among primary school students (n=407), external attributes of empowerment, action sense of community, participating seminar about health promoting school and internal attributes of empowerment, were significant variables for school-community partnerships (R^2=.68). According the important role of external attributes of empowerment, action and affective sense of community in predicting school-community partnership for conducting a health promoting school program, school managers should select members with empowerment attributes and empower them through participating community affairs or activities to build up sense of community and to establish partnership with community.
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