


Glycemic Characteristic in Elite Swimmers




許東雄(Tung-Hsung Hsu);郭家驊(Chia-Hua Kuo)


葡萄糖吸收能力 ; 胰島素敏感度 ; 遺傳因素 ; glucose tolerance ; insulin sensitivity ; genetic determinant




2期(2003 / 06 / 01)


229 - 238




碳水化合物爲運動競技的主要能源。本研究的主要目的爲觀察優秀長距離游泳選手與短距離選手在葡萄糖吸收能力上的差異。本研究共召集自願受試者二十八名,依其在全國性比賽之專長距離項目劃分爲兩組:長距離組十名(LD, 800與1500M)與短距離組十名(SD, 50與100M),另外八名非運動員作爲對照組。在隔夜空腹狀態進行葡萄糖耐受度試驗與血清胰島素反應試驗。我們發現長距離選手具有明顯較佳之葡萄糖吸收能力與胰島素敏感度。LD組在口服75公克葡萄糖後第30與50分鐘後其平均血糖濃度較SD組低。血清胰島素反應在第30與50分鐘後亦明顯較SD組低。此結果顯示長距離選手身體血糖吸收能力較佳之原因與胰島素敏感度較高有關。我們的研究也發現在空腹狀態下之生長激素濃度在LD選手胡顯較。SD選手高。結論:本研究獨創性之發現爲長距離優秀游泳選手葡萄糖吸收能力明顯較短距離選手佳。由於骨骼肌爲身體主要的醣類儲存嘛位置,兩類選手在身體葡萄糖糖吸收與胰島素敏感度上的差異性,可能反映兩類選手在骨骼肌性狀之差異。


Carbohydrate is an important fuel for athletic competition. The purpose of the study was to determine the difference in glucose tolerance between elite short and long distance swimmers. Twenty-eight male swimmers avoiding training for one month were assigned to following two groups short-distance (N=10, SD) and long-distance (N=l0, LD) swimmers, according to their distance specialty and achievement in national level competition. Additional 8 sedentary subjects were also participated as control group (Control). Oral glucose tolerance test and insulin response were performed to all subjects. We discovered that LD swimmers displayed a significantly better glucose clearance and insulin sensitivity than SD swimmers. Under oral glucose challenge condition, the mean blood glucose concentration was significantly higher in SD than LD subjects at 30 and 50 min after a 75-gram of glucose challenge. Likewise, the mean insulin concentration of SD subjects was also significantly higher in LD than SD subjects at 30 and 50 min following glucose challenge. These results indicate that the insulin sensitivity of elite LD swimmers was significantly better than elite SD swimmers. Interestingly, fasting growth hormone level was significantly higher in LD than in SD subjects. The unique finding of the study was that glucose tolerance in elite LD swimmer was better than elite SD swimmers. In conclusion, since skeletal muscle is the main site for postprandial glucose uptake, distinct properties of whole body glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity in these elite swimmers may reflect the phenotypic characteristic of their skeletal muscle.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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