


The Implementation of Baseball Coaches' Training Seminars: Current Status and Some Suggestions




林華韋(Hua-Wei Lin);廖主民(Chu-Min Liao);魏子閎(Tzu-Hung Wei)


教練講習會 ; 棒球 ; coach's training seminar ; baseball




2期(2003 / 06 / 01)


239 - 248






The coach's training seminar is one of the major systems held by Chinese Taipei Baseball Association to tram and certify coaches. The seminars consist of a variety of lectures given in an intensive period of time. Coaches who attend the seminars and pass the exam held at the end of the seminars will be conferred a certificate. The current system, however, does not reflect the true needs of the Association and coaches. The contents of the seminars are not practically helpful for the coaches. For coaches, the only purpose for attending the seminars seems to get the certificate but to improve then coaching skills. Several suggestions attempting to enhance the effectiveness of the coach's training seminars are given in this paper. A hierarchical approach in which progressive improvements been assessed may be helpful. The coach's training seminars of a specific level can be divided into four different sessions held in each season of a year. The seminars will focus on the enhancement of baseball techniques and training strategies. No sport sciences lectures will be given but coaches will have reading materials to study between sessions. Certificates will be conferred to coaches who pass both the baseball techniques and sport sciences exams in all sessions of a certain level. Follow-up assessments for coaches certified will also be administered.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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