


Analysis on the Competition Skills in Intercollegiate Handball in Taiwan, Mainland and Hong Kong




黃欽永(Ching-Yung Hwang)


手球 ; 比賽技術 ; 大學生 ; 台彎 ; 中國大陸 ; 香港 ; handball ; competition skills ; collage students ; Taiwan ; Mainland ; Hong Kong




2期(2003 / 06 / 01)


333 - 346




本研究的目的在探討海峽兩岸三地大學生手球比賽技術的現況與差異,以參加在中國大陸汕頭大學舉辦的「2000年東南亞大學生手球邀請賽」,男子組前四名球隊爲本研究對象。利用紙本表格及筆記型電腦記錄每場比賽技術資料,所得資料分析以卡方考驗之適合度考驗及百分比同質性考驗進行分析,獲得結果如下: 同濟大學:鮮少失誤與犯規,守門員有不錯的表現,外線攻擊及其成功率顯著高於其他隊伍,左翼亦有很好的表現。 台灣大學:有過多的帶球撞人及快攻傳接球失誤,以快攻爲主要的攻擊重心,守門員在快攻的對擋有很好的表現,但全隊缺乏長射能力的攻擊手,左翼攻擊是這次台灣大學較弱的一環。 合肥工大:攻擊重心以外線及快攻爲主,此兩個變項的射門成功率均偏低。 香港科大:有著過多的走步犯規,底線攻擊、快攻及七公尺射門成功率都偏低。


The main purpose of this study is to investigate and difference between the competition skills in Intercollegiate Handball invitational Tournaments in Taiwan, Mainland and Hong Kong. The subjects of this study were the first four places of men's team on the ”2001 South-East Asia Intercollegiate Handball Invitational Tournament”. Paper forms and laptop computer's records of the competition skills employed in each game were used. The obtained data was then statistically analyzed using the χ^2 test of goodness of fit and the test of homogeneity of proportions. The results were as follows: TongJi University: seldom errors and fouls, good performance by the keeper, powerful field attacks, with and effectiveness evidently higher than that of their fellow teams, good performance by their left side player. National Taiwan University: excessive running into and fumbling of fast breaks, with fast breaks being the offensive focus, the keeper had a very good performance blocking fast break throws. However the team lacks long distance shooting ability, and the left side offense was one of the weaknesses of NTU's team. HeFei University of Technology: offensive focus on field attacks and fast breaks; the number of successful shots is not very high. Hong Kong University of Science and Technology: excessive over steps and fouls, low efficiency in line shootings, fast breaks and penalty throws.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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