


The Relationship of Perceived Coach Leadership Behaviors, Perceived Motivation Climate, Team Cohesion and Intrinsic Motivation among Women's Softball Athletes




馬君萍(Chun-Ping Ma)


知覺運動動機氣候 ; 教練領導行為 ; 團隊凝聚力 ; 內在動機 ; perceived motivation climate ; coach leadership behavior ; team cohesion ; intrinsic motivation




2期(2003 / 06 / 01)


88 - 101




本研究主要目的在探討:(一)知覺教練領導行爲、知覺動機氣候、加入校隊時間和訓練時問對軍隊凝聚力的預測情形。(二)知覺教練領導行爲和知覺動機氣候對選手內在動機的預測情形。 受試者爲參與九十一年摩全國女子壘球甲組秋季錦標賽之女子壘球選手,計有12隊,共199人。所有受試者被要求填寫基本資料、知覺動機氣候量表、運動領導量表、團隊情境量表和內在動機量表。 統計方法以多元逐步迴歸方法分析所有資料。研究結果顯示:(一)知覺自我取向氣候和知覺民主行爲可有效預測團隊之工作凝聚力;而知覺訓練與教學行爲、訓練時間、知覺自我取向氣候和不作取向氣候可有效預測團隊的社會凝聚力。(二)知覺工作取向氣候不和知覺獎勵和讚賞行爲可有效預測選手的內在動機。 最後,本研究亦根據研究結果,提出具體建議,以提供教練選手及未來研究參考。


The purposes of this study were: (l) to predict team cohesion by using perceived coach leadership behaviors, perceived motivation climate team experience and hours of training. (2) to predict athletes' intrinsic motivation by using perceived coach leadership behaviors and perceived motivation climate Subjects were 199 female softball athletes recruited from 12 teams who participated in 2002 National Women's Softball Tournament. All participants were asked to complete demographic data, Perceived Motivation Climate Questionnaire, Leadership Scale for Sports, Group Environment Questionnaire and Intrinsic Motivation Questionnaire. The stepwise multiple regression statistics method was used to analyze all collected data. The results indicated that (1) the perceived ego-oriented climate and perceived democratic behavior were two effective predictors of task cohesion; while the perceived training and instruction behavior, hours of training, perceived task-oriented climate and perceived ego-oriented climate were four effective predictors of social cohesion. (2) the perceived task-oriented climate and perceived award and praise behavior were two effective predictors of athletes' intrinsic motivation. Finally, based on the results of this study, the implication for the coaches and athletes and suggestion for the future studies are discussed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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