


Backstreet Scenery in the Japanese Occupation Period and the 1970s Nativist Movement




盛鎧(Kai Sheng)


巷弄美學 ; 裏町 ; 日治時期 ; 地方色彩 ; 現代性 ; 鄉土運動 ; backstreet scenery ; Japanese occupation period ; local color ; modernity ; nativist movement




9期(2011 / 11 / 01)


129 - 166






Japanese ”裏町” (uramachi) refers a street block which is not located along a main road and roughly means ”back street”. But ”町” (machi) represents a block, not a road or a boulevard, which more or less contains the concept of community. Thus uramachi usually connotes a quiet residential area. During the Japanese occupation period there were many art works with the title of ”裏町” or ”裏通” (uradōri, meaning avenue or alley) which portrayed such back streets and people's usual ways of life during the Japanese occupation period. In addition, scenes of winding alleys in old Taiwanese cities were also very common in the paintings at that time. All these scenes were considered representative of the unique culture of Taiwan.During the 1970s, many nativist literary works described the living spaces of ordinary people and the backstreet communities in the metropolitan areas. The nativist artists of this period were generally inclined to be nostalgic, rather than focused on current social issues. From the Japanese occupation period to the nativist movement in 1970s, the sceneries of backstreets in Taiwan certainly featured different types of representation and cultural implications. This research will explore these differences not only in the visual arts but also make comparative references to similar scene descriptions in literature and movies of the same periods.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
  1. 電影《恐怖份子》劇照。楊德昌導演,三一公司製作,中央電影公司出品,1986。
  2. 謝明錩,《陶隱》,1978,水彩,56 × 38 cm。
  3. 張文環,〈露路〉(楊三郎圖)
  4. 石川欽一郎,《臺南赤崁樓》,n.d.,水彩,33.1 × 25 cm
  5. 李梅樹,《三峽町裏》,1928,油畫,尺寸不詳
  6. 《後街人生》(1966)電影海報,陳子福繪,75 × 53 cm。
  7. 石川欽一郎 1935 〈臺灣風光的回想〉。《臺灣時報》(1935.6)。
  8. 張文環 1942 〈露路〉。《臺灣公論》(1942.9)。
  9. 〈裏町人生〉唱片標籤
  10. 楊三郎,《露路》,1942
  11. 黄良銓 1942 〈台北の雜居家屋〉。《民俗臺灣》12(1942.6)。
  12. 千田正弘,《賣春婦》,1929,油畫,尺寸不詳
  13. 石川欽一郎,《裏町》,1910,水彩,48 × 28.5 cm
  14. 楊三郎,《老藝人》,1930,油畫,尺寸不詳
  15. 立石鐵臣,《大稻埕》,1934,油畫,尺寸不詳
  16. 中河伸俊彙編〈日本表現規制史年表〉: (2010 年 11 月 1 日檢索)
  17. 林木材撰〈削蘋果事件〉。《臺灣大百科全書》(文建會,網路版): (2011 年 9 月 5 日檢索)
  18. 電影《蘋果的滋味》劇照。萬仁導演,中央電影公司出品,1983(《兒子的大玩偶》其中一段)。
  19. 謝明錩,《在生命轉彎之處》,2002,水彩,107 × 82.5 cm。
  20. 石川欽一郎 1926 〈臺灣地區的風景鑑賞〉。《臺灣時報》(1926.3)。
  21. 石川欽一郎 1926 〈麗島餘録〉。《臺灣時報》(1926.7)。
  22. 鄭世璠,《裏町》,1941,油畫,尺寸不詳
  23. 石川欽一郎,《臺南後巷》,1907–12,水彩,29.5 × 20.5 cm
  24. 黃振泰,《永樂裏町》,1927,油畫,尺寸不詳
  25. 李宴芳,《午後的裏街》,1939,水彩,尺寸不詳
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  34. 張超英口述、陳柔縉(2006)。宮前町90番地。臺北:時報。
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