Yu-Hsun Chen is one of the new generation of Taiwanese directors, famous for his comedy films. After his second comedy, Love Go Go (1997), failed at the box office, Chen decided to stop making movies. He returned to directing in 2010, and soon shot three comedies, including the short film Another Juliet (2010), a five-minute mock horror short film, Hippocamp Hair Salon (2012), and a long film, Zone Pro Site (2013). Due to the thirteen-year hiatus in Chen’s film career, there are many obvious differences between his earlier and later films. These differences and their implicit meanings will be the chief concerns of this project. According to Michael North’s study on machine-age comedy, given that comedy maybe an especially significant genre in revealing social realities, it is to be expected that machine-age comedy will display a mechanical nature. Consistent with this view, Chen’s recent comedies might be expected to reveal the nature of the digital age, in which rapid technological development has changed all aspects of society during the thirteen-year gap of his film career. In this regard, the paper first compares the comedy gags and forms in his films before and after this thirteen-year interruption, with specific attention paid to the influence of digital technologies on the selection of the gags and forms employed. The findings confirm that Chen’s recent three films are indeed of a digital nature. However, as North points out, machine-age comedy developed into a new form beyond that of traditional comedy due to its mechanical displays. For the same reason, digital-age comedy should create its own distinct form of comedy. This makes analyzing Chen's new comedies in terms of traditional gags and forms problematic, and raises the question: in which way is it possible to identify digital comedic forms? To answer the question, the paper, inspired by post-human theory, examines the possible change from machine-age to digital-age comedy, with a particular concern for the relationship between human and machine. Chen’s comedy films will be appropriate research objects for investigating this change.
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