


A Thousand-Miles Connection - the Past and Present of the Stained Glass of the Holy Family Church in Taipei


于禮本(Yu, Li-Pen)


臺北聖家堂 ; 李維克 ; 彩繪玻璃 ; 基督教藝術 ; 拿撒勒畫派 ; Taipei Holy Family Church ; Charles Lévêque ; Stained Glass ; Christian Art ; Nazarene School




24期(2019 / 06 / 01)


151 - 212






This study aims to explore the historical, cultural and artistic significance of the stained glass of the Taipei Holy Family Church, designed in the workshop of Charles Lévêque in 1878 for the Sacred Heart Church in Verviers (Belgium). By reconstructing the original sequence of the window scenes, as well as through an analysis of the artistic style, the content and iconographies, this study provides insights of how this stained glass interacts with the liturgical space and the viewers, how these windows mirror the artistic concept of the Nazarene School, the Catholic Revival Movement, the popular veneration of certain saints, and the development of stained glass studios. Further discussions focus on the changed functions of these colored windows, along with their relocation in the Taipei Holy Family Church in 2000; for example, the original liturgical implications subside with enhanced functions as displayed art works and educational media to introduce western culture to the Asian public. These beautiful windows become embedded with rich cultural legacy migrating from Europe to Asia, and should be cherished as one of unique cultural heritage in Taiwan.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
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