








4期(1996 / 08 / 01)


87 - 133



主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
社會科學 > 社會學
社會科學 > 社會學
  1. Auster, Albert(1984).Actresses And Suffragsts: Women in the American Theatre, 1890-102-.
  2. Austin, Gayle(1992).Feminist Theories for Dramatic Criticism.
  3. Auston, Elaine(1995).An Introduciton to Feminism Theatre.
  4. Banham, Martin(1988).The Cambridge Guide to Theater.
  5. Bennett, Benjamin(1990).Theater As Problem: Modern Drama and Its Place in Literature.
  6. Bhrucha, Rustom(1993).Theatre and the World: Performance and the Politics of Culture.
  7. Boyce, Jonanna,Daly, Ann,Jones, Bill T.(1988).Movement & Gender: A Roundtable Discussion.TDR,32(4)
  8. Bralow, Tani E.(1989).I Myself Am Woman: Selected Writing of Ding Ling.
  9. Butler, Judith P.(1990).Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity.
  10. Case, Sue-Ellen(1988).Feminism and Theatre.
  11. Case, Sue-Ellen(1990).Performing Feminism: Feminist Critical Theory & Theatre.
  12. Champagne, Lenora(1990).Out-form Under: Texts by Women Performance Artists.
  13. Davis, Tracy C.(1991).Actress as Working Women: the Social Indentity in Victorian Culture.
  14. De Lauretis, Teresa(1986).Feminist Studies: Critical Studies.
  15. De Lauretis, Teresa(1984).Alice Doesn't: Feminism, Semiotics, Cinema.
  16. De Lauretis, Teresa(1987).Technology of Gender.
  17. Diamond, Elin(1988).Brechtian Theory/Feminist Theory: Toward a Gestic Feminist Criticism.The Drama Review,32(1),82-94.
  18. Doane, Mary Ann.Re-Vision: Essay in Feminist Film Criticism.
  19. Dolan, Jill(1985).ender Impersonation on Stage: Destroying or Maintaining the Mirror of Gender Roles.Women & Performance,292),5-11.
  20. Dolan, Jill(1991).The Feminist Spectator ad Critic.
  21. Ferris, Lesley(1993).Crossing The Stage: Controversies on Cross-dressing.
  22. Finney, Gail.Women in Modern Drama: Freud, Feminism, and European Theater at the Turn of the Century.
  23. Freeman, Barbara(1991).Staging the Gaze: Postmodernism, Psychoanalysis, and Shake-spearean Comedy.
  24. Goodman, Lizbeth(1993).Gender in Performance: Contemporart Feminist Theaters To Her Own.
  25. Hart, Linda(1989).Making A Spectacle: Feminist Essays on Contemporary Women's Theatre.
  26. Hart, Linda(1993).Acting Out: Feminist Performances.
  27. Heatth, Stephen(1986).Narrative, Ideology.
  28. Holy, Michael Ann(1994).Visual Culture: Images and Interpretations.
  29. Howe, Elizabeth(1992).The First English Actresses: Woman and Drama.
  30. Jankowski, Theodora A.(1992).A Women in Power in the early Modern Drama.
  31. Jenkins, Linda Walsh(1984).Locating of Gender Experience.Women & Performance,2(1),5-20.
  32. Jenkins, Linda Walsh,Odgen-Malouf, Susan(1985).The (Female) Actor Prepares.Theatre,17(1),66-69.
  33. Kaplan, E. Ann(1983).Women & Film: Both Sides of the Camera.
  34. Mulvey、 Laura(1989).Visual & Other Pleasures.
  35. Newton, Esther(1972).Mother Camp: Female Impresonator in America.
  36. Phelan, Peggy(1993).Unmarked: The Politics of Performance.
  37. Pollock, Griselda(1988).Vision and Difference: Femininity, Feminism and the History of Art.
  38. Postlewaai, Thomas(1989).Interpreting the Theatrical Past: Essays in the Historiography of Performance.
  39. Rankin(1975).Women in Chinese Society.
  40. Reinelt, Janelle G.(1992).Critical Theory and Performance.
  41. Schechner, Richard(1985).Between Theatre and Antropology.
  42. Schechner, Richard(1988).Performance Theory.
  43. Senelick, Laurence(1992).The Presntation of Difference in the Performing Arts.
  44. Todd, Ellen Wiley(1995).The " New Woman" Revise: Painting and Gender Politics on Fourteenth Street.
  45. Wolf, Margery(1985).Revolution Postponed: Women in Contemporary China.
  46. 王素(1986)。中國話劇運動史料集
  47. 王德威(1993)。小說中國
  48. 王衛民(1989)。中國早期話劇選
  49. 包天笑(1990)。釧影回憶錄
  50. 白薇(1985)。白薇作品選
  51. 余上浣(1921)。女高師《脖練》的排演和「男女合演」的問題。晨報。民國10年8月16日,副刊。
  52. 沈冰血(1921)。演劇初程。戲劇雜誌,1(1),81-91。
  53. 沈從文(1981)。中國古代服飾研究
  54. 周劍雲(1914)。新劇傳略。繁華雜誌,1,13-20。
  55. 周劍雲(1914)。上海新劇一年來之現象。繁華雜誌,3,5-9。
  56. 周劍雲(1914)。新劇概論。繁華雜誌,3,5-9。
  57. 周蕾, Rey(1991).Women and Chinese Modernity: The Politics of Reading Between West and East.
  58. 侯紹裘(1935)。松江景賢女子中學演藝會演劇經過。戲劇雜談,2(2),1-15。
  59. 洪深(1935)。我們的打鼓時期過了嗎。良友畫報,108,12-13。
  60. 胡適(1919)。終身大事。新青年,3
  61. 孫崇濤(1990)。清樓集簽注
  62. 馬少波(1992)。中國京劇發展史
  63. 高梨痕(1986)。上海地方史資料﹝第五輯﹞
  64. 崔國良(1984)。南開話劇運動史料,1909-1922
  65. 張玉法(1975)。近代中國女權運動史料
  66. 張季純(1935)。論女演員。聯華畫報,6(2),9-11。
  67. 張愛玲(1968)。流言
  68. 郭沫若(1923)。卓文君
  69. 陳美英(1993)。洪深年譜
  70. 曾永義(1976)。說戲曲
  71. 葉永烈(1993)。江青傳
  72. 董健(1989)。中國現代戲劇史稿
  73. 鳳昔醉(1914)。解散女子新劇社感言。繁華雜誌,1,11-12。
  74. 歐陽予倩(1958)。自我演劇以來
  75. 鄭正秋(1925)。中國影劇的取材問題。明星特刊,2,1-5。
  76. 盧敦(1936)。中國情調的演技。明星半月刊,5(1),481。
  77. 錢香如(1914)。新劇百話。繁華雜誌,2,16-17。
  1. 許仁豪(2022)。在藝術與愛情之間:論袁牧之早期戲劇實踐的主體辯證法。戲劇研究,30,103-138。
  2. 李曉蓉(2012)。中國近代女權特色之分析(晚清至五四)。高雄師大學報:教育與社會科學類,33,43-59。
  3. 張斐怡(2004)。女性表演者也留名青史-元代《青樓集》一書中所反映的歌妓生活。婦研縱橫,72,80-85。
  4. 張遠(2010)。民初京劇劇評中的男女有別。女學學誌,26,1-31。
  5. (2001)。臺灣近代戲劇?電影發展及其互動關係─以臺北永樂座為中心。民俗曲藝,131,169-202。