


The Rhetoric of "Sacrifice" and "Victimhood": The Image of Prostitutes in the Ladies' Journal




姚毅(Yi Yao)


娼婦 ; 受害者 ; 優生思想 ; 新性道德 ; 五四時期 ; prostitute ; victim ; eugenics ; new morality ; May Fourth period




12期(2004 / 12 / 01)


115 - 142




本文以《婦女雜誌》為主要文本,對廢娼論者筆下的賣淫婦像進行梳理,與同時代日本和歐美的賣淫婦像相比,中國的廢娼論有一個比較明顯的特徵。儘管賣淫之所以成為社會問題的主要原因在於娼婦的「加害性」,即娼婦被看作是性病的傳播者,是社會諸惡的「元凶」,但卻一味強調其「受害者」、「犧牲者」之一面,很少有「娼妓型」議論的存在。即將賣淫的原因歸咎於娼婦個人的心理、生理「病態」,以及遺傳的影響。雖然《婦女雜誌》裡有不少介紹「娼妓型」的統計資料和研究文章。 這種對娼婦形象的定位,除了不少研究者指出的「戰略」上的考慮外,應透露了論者諸多的現狀認識和思考模式之信息。這是值得我們去挖掘的。本文試圖從五四的思想背景和知識分子的思考模式出發,探討廢娼論者的娼婦形象背後的「潛臺詞」和意涵。指出「受害者」形象的塑造,實際上不僅剝奪了娼婦的身體性與主體性,而且將「賤業」借由民族衛生、社會秩序之大義正當化人意思之尊重」等正義之名下正當化的觀念內面化了。更有甚者,這些不僅是,而且是在「自由」、「人權」、「個人意思之尊重」等下義之名下下當化的。


This paper analyzes the arguments for abolishing prostitution in the Ladies' Journal (Funü zazhi) and clarifies the image of prostitutes described therein. Compared with Japanese and Western arguments in the same period, China's abolitionism has a distinctive feature. Even though prostitution became a social issue was due to the wrongdoings of prostitutes- that is, as source of venereal diseases and the origin of social evils the images of ”victimhood” and ”sacrifice” were constantly emphasized. At the same time, the arguments on the ”changjixing” (娼妓型), which attributes prostitution to the prostitutes' personal psychological and physiological abnormalities or genetic defects, are scarce, even though the Ladies' Journal introduced ”changjixing” with many statistical data and articles. This kind of definition of the prostitute's image reflects not only one of the authors' strategies, but also the authors' thoughts and writing styles. This paper attempts to explore the implicit meanings of abolitionism, based on the historical background and intellects' ideas in the May Fourth period. This paper also points out that the construction of the image of ”victimhood” actually not only stripped prostitutes of their bodies and identities, but also misleaded people by denigrating prostitutes as members of a ”dishonorable occupation.”

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
社會科學 > 社會學
社會科學 > 社會學
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