


The Study of Children in the Ladies' Journal (1915-1931): With a Comparison to Sinyosong (New Woman)




池賢婌(Hyun-Sook Jee);趙吉


婦女雜誌 ; 新女性 ; 兒童 ; 中韓比較 ; the Ladies' Journal Funü zazhi ; Sinyosong New Woman ; children ; comparative study of China and Korea




12期(2004 / 12 / 01)


257 - 277






This comparative study is based on the treatment of children in the Ladies' Journal (Funü zazhi), a well-known Chinese magazine published in the 1 920s and 193 Os, and in Sinyosong (New Woman), a similar Korean magazine (under Japanese colonial rule). They both published a great deal on how to bring up children in the modem way, thus illustrating the spread of modern child-rearing practices from the West. For example, they emphasized that breast-feeding and defecation should be performed regularly. And while ways of rearing children that that could be explained by Western medical science were legitimated, an increasing numbers of critics attacked traditional ways of child-rearing. New childcare philosophies emphasized periodic breast-feeding and sleeping, as well as scientific measurement of children's weight and height. As a result, it was expected that children were to be raised as independent beings. Also, by introducing books on diseases that children were subject to, various articles laid stress on paying more attention to sanitation. The age of the children discussed in both magazines was not consistent among the writers, but it ranged roughly from infants to 14-16 year-olds. The scholars of those days had different opinions on the definition of childhood, since it took a while to establish the terminology applied to children in China and colonized Korea. Both magazines laid emphasis on child-centered perspectives and home training. In the case of the Ladies' Journal, questioning child-centered breeding and family life was a means to criticize the feudalistic family system. The reason why Sinyosong also advocated a child-centered family system was to civilize Korean society, and to eliminate the feudalistic family system, which was regarded as an obstacle to social revolution. The Ladies' Journal sought the ideal child as one who was pure, ingenuous, inquisitive, creative, full of curiosity, possessing spirit of inquiry into the truth, and fond of beauty and virtue. Indeed, these were the features of a good person who would discard feudalistic ideas and construct a new China. The ideal child reported in Sinyosong was someone filled with freedom, equality, love, joy, happiness, and who was also morally flawless. This would be the man responsible for enlightening and civilizing Korea. The ideal child of both magazines reflected the ideal human being rather than the reality of childhood years.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
社會科學 > 社會學
社會科學 > 社會學
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