


To Supplement History or Rewrite History? Studies of Modern Chinese and Taiwanese Women's History in Taiwan over the Past Twenty-Five Years




游鑑明(Chen-Ming Yu)


近代中國婦女史 ; 近代台灣婦女史 ; 改寫歷史 ; modem Chinese women's history ; modem Taiwanese women's history ; rewriting history




13期(2005 / 12 / 01)


65 - 105






Numerous scholars have already provided indepth analyses of the research achievements and contributions in the study of modem Chinese and Taiwanese women's history in Taiwan. In avoiding reiteration, this article adopts an angle of reflection and rethinking in the study of modern Chinese and Taiwanese women's history in Taiwan. First, an elaboration on the origin, development, and research methods is provided. Then, through discussions of three major topics: ”The Myth of the Female Subject,” ”Who Got Emancipated? The New Form of Marriage and Family Institution,” ”Continuation or Disruption? The Modern Taiwanese Women's History and The Modern Chinese Women's History,” this article examines studies of modern Chinese and Taiwanese women's history in Taiwan over the past twenty-five years. The first two topics are mainly based on the analysis of studies done by Taiwanese scholars on the subject of modern Chinese women's history. The last topic emphasizes studies of modern Taiwanese women's history. Based on its discussion of these three major topics, this article proposes that Taiwanese research on modern Chinese and Taiwanese women's history have been supplementing history and at the same time rewriting history to establish a multicultural yet not fragmentary world of women. Nevertheless, if fruitful achievements have accumulated in the realm of modern Chinese and Taiwanese history, the choices of historical materials, the proposition of research questions, and the scope of research perspective still have room for improvement. At the same time, scholars should have a better understanding of ”why they study women's history” and compile different research together to piece out a more complete women's history . In this way, they can influence scholars outside the field of non-women's history to confront women's history and also encourage them to add women's history as they write and even rewrite history. Numerous scholars have already provided indepth analyses of the research achievements and contributions in the study of modem Chinese and Taiwanese women's history in Taiwan. In avoiding reiteration, this article adopts an angle of reflection and rethinking in the study of modern Chinese and Taiwanese women's history in Taiwan. First, an elaboration on the origin, development, and research methods is provided. Then, through discussions of three major topics: ”The Myth of the Female Subject,” ”Who Got Emancipated? The New Form of Marriage and Family Institution,” ”Continuation or Disruption? The Modern Taiwanese Women's History and The Modern Chinese Women's History,” this article examines studies of modern Chinese and Taiwanese women's history in Taiwan over the past twenty-five years. The first two topics are mainly based on the analysis of studies done by Taiwanese scholars on the subject of modern Chinese women's history. The last topic emphasizes studies of modern Taiwanese women's history. Based on its discussion of these three major topics, this article proposes that Taiwanese research on modern Chinese and Taiwanese women's history have been supplementing history and at the same time rewriting history to establish a multicultural yet not fragmentary world of women. Nevertheless, if fruitful achievements have accumulated in the realm of modern Chinese and Taiwanese history, the choices of historical materials, the proposition of research questions, and the scope of research perspective still have room for improvement. At the same time, scholars should have a better understanding of ”why they study women's history” and compile different research together to piece out a more complete women's history. In this way, they can influence scholars outside the field of non-women's history to confront women's history and also encourage them to add women's history as they write and even rewrite history.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
社會科學 > 社會學
社會科學 > 社會學
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