


"Seeking Independence" or "Coveting Modernity"? The Emergence of Women Clerks and the Formation of Their Images in Modern Shanghai




連玲玲(Ling-Ling Lien)


職業婦女 ; 花瓶 ; 摩登女子 ; 百貨公司 ; career women ; flower vase ; modern girl ; department stores




14期(2006 / 12 / 01)


1 - 50






This article examines the emergence of female clerks and the formation of images of these women in modern Shanghai. Chinese women were traditionally discouraged from working outside the home, and the emergence of women who received modern educations and worked in public was thus considered a break with conventional gender norms. While feminist activists saw work outside the home as the hallmark of women's pursuit of economic independence, others considered outside employment merely to be a means of satisfying women's selfish desires for conspicuous consumption. Thus was the female clerk who had contacts with male colleagues and customers at her workplace often labeled ”flower vase” or ”modern girl.” The debates about women clerks reflected both male anxiety in an increasingly competitive labor market and a need to redefine Chinese gender roles in modern times. This article argues that women clerks were particularly stigmatized because their work was perceived not in terms of skills, but gender. This also explains why they adopted a ”de-gendering” strategy to fight for their right to work.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
社會科學 > 社會學
社會科學 > 社會學
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