


Educators and Writers: The Two Faces of Early Twentieth-Century Literary Women




胡曉真(Siao-Chen Hu)


婦女教育 ; 婦女雜誌 ; 中華婦女界 ; 劉(珹皿) ; 祝宗梁 ; 施淑儀 ; women's education ; Funü zazhi ; Zhonghua funüjie ; Liu Sheng ; Zhu Zongliang ; Shi Shuyi




15期(2007 / 12 / 01)


35 - 75




本文通過報刊雜誌資料,探索20世紀初期,受過傳統教育的女性在跨越情末民初之際,如何站在教育者的崗位,嘗試結合婦女教育與新的創作型態及發表模式。 本文涉及的三個個案―劉(珹皿)、祝宗梁與施淑儀,都活躍於1910時期的教育界,她們對教育者的定位與責任的認知,以及對文字創作的理解,又於同中有異。她們的言行有助我們觀察20世紀初中國傳統女性依違於傳統與現代之間,如何塑造新時代中自我的身影。本文論述以劉(珹皿)爲中心,以祝宗梁爲輔,最後以施淑儀作襯照。劉(珹皿)與祝宗梁合力開創黑龍江女學,此一期間,她們以母教楷模與女子教育前驅者的形象,在刊物上發表諸多女學論述,而皆以傳統儒家爲依歸。另一方面,施淑儀在喪夫喪子之後,傾其所有於故鄉崇明島建立女校,同時也以女教育家的身份在刊物上密集發表作品,更以剪髮、遊行、學作新體詩等行動,建立鮮明的形象。因此,施淑儀的自我定位是一個覺悟者,棄絕傳統女性典範,邁向未來。同樣橫跨杏壇與文壇,這三個個案於20世紀初期的女性教育問題上,展現不同的視野,爲我們提供女性的觀點以理解當時所謂「女學」,更提醒吾人不應簡化傳統與現代之問的分野。同時值得我們注意的是,這三位女性在刊物上發表的文字都以議論文爲主,不同於明清女性文藝以韻文爲中心的傳統。這個現象指向女性書寫與表達模式在20世紀初發生的轉變,也關涉學校國文訓練所創下的新教育典範。


This article aims to look at how women who received traditional education and worked as educators tried to incorporate the emerging new forms of literary writing and publication into women's education in the early twentieth-century. I propose to deal with three cases in this article. The three women were all active in the 1910s; they worked as teachers while devoting themselves to writing and publishing. However, they were different in their definitions of women's education and understandings of women's literary career. While it is oversimplifying to locate them into the conservative and the progressive camps respectively, the three cases, if considered as two types, will help us understand how early twentieth-century educated women created self-images and defined themselves. The first two cases in discussion are Liu Sheng and Zhu Zongliang, a mother-in-law and her daughter-in-law, who dedicated themselves to women’s education and cooperated to found the first women's school in Heilongjiang. During their stay in Heilongjiang, Liu and Zhu published many works on women's education and literature in magazines, presenting themselves as model mothers and pioneering educators. The third ease is Shu Shuyi. After her husband and son died, Shi founded a women's school in her hometown Chongming. Like Liu and Zhu, Shi published many works in magazines and always emphasized her status as a teacher. On the other hand, she created for herself a striking image by cutting hair short, joining political rallies, going to Beijing to learn guoyu (Mandarin), and experimenting on composing modern poetry. Shi tried to define herself as an enlightened woman who had forsaken traditional moral values for women and were heading toward the future. The three women were all writers and teachers at the same time, yet they represent different visions of women's education and literature in the early twentieth century.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
社會科學 > 社會學
社會科學 > 社會學
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