


Women and Exhibitions: A Case Study of Two Exhibitions in 1907


吳方正(Fang-Cheng Wu)


性別角色分派 ; 體制 ; 博覽會 ; 梅勒本女工賽會 ; 萬國賽珍會 ; gender roles ; institutions ; exhibitions ; Australian Exhibition of Woman’s Work ; International Fancy Fair and Fête




26期(2015 / 12 / 01)


1 - 65






Systems of gender roles have long constituted one of the institutions that contribute to the stability of society. At the beginning of the twentieth century, Chinese society underwent a major reconstruction of gender roles. This article aims neither to investigate a more or less vague awakening of female consciousness, nor to list the political claims made for gender equality, but rather highlights those institutions that incited Chinese women to play a more active role in society, even unconsciously. This article focuses on a new type of public activity in which visibility was sine qua non: exhibitions. Two exhibitions held in 1907 are examined here. The first is the First Australian Exhibition of Woman’s Work at Melbourne, in which China participated. The second is the International Fancy Fair and Fête at Shanghai, which mobilized the international community of women in the Settlement. Both exhibitions shared the particularity of having been exclusively of and by women, at least in principle. China’s response revealed the intention of incorporating women into a national productive force, without being fully aware of the repercussions on women’s social status. China’s participation offered an opportunity for women to gain a larger social space, and consequently to question the older system of gender roles.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
社會科學 > 社會學
社會科學 > 社會學
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