


Great-Aunts Worshiped in Shrines: The Goddess He Xiangu Cult and Female Worship in the Greater Pearl River Delta Region


廖小菁(Hsiao-Ching Liao)


抗婚 ; 女神 ; 女性祖先 ; 祖姑 ; 宗族 ; marriage resistance ; goddess ; ancestress ; great-aunt ; lineage




26期(2015 / 12 / 01)


133 - 191






Resistance to marriage is a significant theme found often in the legends of Chinese female deities. Based on ananalysis of the Goddess He Xiangu (Transcendent Maiden He) cult in Zengcheng, Guangdong and paternal great-aunt worship in the Greater Pearl River Delta-both examples of cults centering on unmarried females-this article shows that female resistance to marriage was widely accepted and practiced in the regional custom. Before the Ming-Qing period, not only was this practice considered normative, but such women were even promoted as deities or family ancestresses. Furthermore, while the lineage system became socially dominant in the Ming-Qing period, the anti-marriage females found in early local or family legends had been transformed into a specific kind of lineage ancestress-the "great-aunt." Lineage groups appropriated the ancestral worship dedicated to such figures to construct community identity and renew it over time. By focusing on the perceived potential pollution or damaging impact of unmarried women, previous studies have generally interpreted female marriage resistanceas opposition to the Chinese patrilineal-virilocal social structure. However, investigation into the unmarried female cult in the Greater Pearl River Delta region reveals that as well as being seen as potentially threatening to the patrilineal social order, the practice of female marriage resistance was also often viewed as supportive of this same social order. Depending on the specific community’s choices and procedures, unmarried women represented either polluting or deified symbolic powers, were seen to either threaten or support the established social order, and were positioned socially either at the periphery or the center. Resistance to marriage is a significant theme found often in the legends of Chinese female deities. Based on ananalysis of the Goddess He Xiangu (Transcendent Maiden He) cult in Zengcheng, Guangdong and paternal great-aunt worship in the Greater Pearl River Delta-both examples of cults centering on unmarried females-this article shows that female resistance to marriage was widely accepted and practiced in the regional custom. Before the Ming-Qing period, not only was this practice considered normative, but such women were even promoted as deities or family ancestresses. Furthermore, while the lineage system became socially dominant in the Ming-Qing period, the anti-marriage females found in early local or family legends had been transformed into a specific kind of lineage ancestress-the "great-aunt." Lineage groups appropriated the ancestral worship dedicated to such figures to construct community identity and renew it over time. By focusing on the perceived potential pollution or damaging impact of unmarried women, previous studies have generally interpreted female marriage resistanceas opposition to the Chinese patrilineal-virilocal social structure. However, investigation into the unmarried female cult in the Greater Pearl River Delta region reveals that as well as being seen as potentially threatening to the patrilineal social order, the practice of female marriage resistance was also often viewed as supportive of this same social order. Depending on the specific community’s choices and procedures, unmarried women represented either polluting or deified symbolic powers, were seen to either threaten or support the established social order, and were positioned socially either at the periphery or the center.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
社會科學 > 社會學
社會科學 > 社會學
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