


Sports, Empire and Gender: Women and the Chase in Shanghai, 1860-1945


張寧(Ning Jennifer Chang)


運動 ; 性別 ; 殖民社會 ; 上海 ; sports ; gender ; the British Empire ; Shanghai




30期(2017 / 12 / 01)


1 - 66






This article adopts the idea of informal empire and focuses on women in treaty-port Shanghai. Examining three representative British sports or the so-called "chase" at that time-that is, horse racing, paper hunting, and greyhound racing-this article shows that notwithstanding racial differences, British and Chinese elite women in Shanghai faced similar social constraints and adopted the same strategies. By joining the chase as spectators, prize awarders, horse owners, greyhound owners or even actual hunters, they successfully broke the physical and psychological restrictions that society imposed on them. This article argues China's treaty ports created a rare fissure for both British and Chinese women. Britain’s rigid class system was temporarily broken and re-organized while China's traditional social hierarchy was disrupted and re-formed. Exploiting this fissure and using sports as a kind of strategy, elite women managed to emerge from their fathers’ and brothers’ shadows and gain visibility in public life.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
社會科學 > 社會學
社會科學 > 社會學
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