


Family, Nutrition, and Food: A Discourse on Women and Food Hygiene during the Republican Era


皮國立(Kuo-li Pi)


衛生 ; 食物 ; 維他命 ; 營養 ; 食療 ; hygiene ; food ; vitamin ; nutrition ; dietary therapy




30期(2017 / 12 / 01)


67 - 122






Historians have carried out preliminary investigations of the relationship among women, the new domestic economy, and the family. This study further analyzes new knowledge about cooking and the daily food use of women during the period of the Republic of China, focusing on the "hygiene perspective" concerning food based on the integration of traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine. The analysis follows three basic directions: first, the relationship among women, cooking, and environmental (e.g., kitchen) hygiene; second, new nutrition as daily life knowledge required to be understood by women; and third, knowledge concerning simple Chinese and western dietary therapies and food taboos, since "food hygiene" was not restricted to the content of western nutrition and women also operated in the context of the integration of traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine. Analysis of new food hygiene knowledge highlights women’s focus on self-health at the time, as well as the life experiences and responsibilities of new women in families. After the popularization and expansion of such knowledge, women seemed to bear heavier responsibilities and play bigger roles in the family. However, they actually also absorbed a lot of knowledge beneficial to their own health, which enabled modern women to understand, care about, and treat their own illnesses to a greater extent, as well as to possess the knowledge and ability to care about the physical health of family members, a positive benefit created by new food knowledge for women.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
社會科學 > 社會學
社會科學 > 社會學
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