


The Abolition of Licensed Prostitution in Singapore: Discourses in Chinese Newspapers, 1919-1930


楊惟安(Wei-an Yang)


華文報紙 ; 公娼制度 ; 英國殖民部 ; 社會衛生學諮詢委員會 ; 婦女和少女保護條例 ; Chinese newspapers ; licensed prostitution ; the Colonial Office ; Advisory Committee on Social Hygiene ; Women and Girls Protection Ordinances




32期(2018 / 12 / 01)


47 - 97




本文以華文報紙與英國殖民部檔案為主要史料,探究1920年代新加坡廢娼運動的歷程。由於日本與歐亞人公娼制度的廢除,及海軍基地建設,導致當地性病蔓延問題日趨嚴重,海峽殖民地政府與華人社群對公娼制度的存廢,展開討論。英國殖民部透過設立「社會衛生學諮詢委員會」(Advisory Committee on Social Hygiene),及修訂「婦女和少女保護條例」(Women and Girls Protection Ordinances)來管制妓院。此一時期,《新國民日報》、《南洋商報》、《星洲日報》相繼創刊,成為華人社群討論國內外時事的平台。華人知識分子亦開始關注廢娼議題,並對禁娼政策作出回應與討論。本文運用華文報紙對以下議題進行論述:海峽殖民地政府與華人社群對禁娼政策是否持有不同的看法?雙方對娼妓議題的處理態度是否反映出中西方價值觀的不同?以及公娼制度的廢除帶來那些重要影響?


This article uses Chinese newspapers and official records to explore the development of the abolition of licensed prostitution in the 1920s. The abolition of European and Japanese prostitution and the construction of a naval base led to increasing numbers of people infected with venereal diseases. The government of the Straits Settlements and the Chinese community then began to discuss the issues surrounding public brothels. The Colonial Office set up the Advisory Committee on Social Hygiene and enacted "Women and Girls Protection Ordinances" to control brothel house activities. The Chinese newspapers Sin Kuo Min Jit Poh, Nanyang Siang Pau, and Sin Chew Jit Poh were founded in this period, and served as a platform for the Chinese community to discuss current affairs. Chinese intellectuals were also concerned with the abolition of public brothels, and responsed to the policy of prohibiting prostitution. In order to justify my selection of Chinese newspaper reports, the following issues will be examined. Did the Colonial Government and the Chinese community hold different views towards the abolition of Chinese licensed prostitution? How were the differences between the values of Western and Eastern cultures reflected in discussions of the abolition of Chinese public brothels? What were the influences on the discourse of the abolition of Chinese licensed prostitution?

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
社會科學 > 社會學
社會科學 > 社會學
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