


The Good Women of Lion City: Vegetarian Nuns and their Religious Community in Singapore Since 19th Century


蘇芸若(Show Ying Ruo)


齋姑 ; 齋堂 ; 佛教 ; 姐妹會 ; vegetarian nuns (zhaigu) ; vegetarian halls ; Buddhism ; sisterhoods ; philanthropy




35期(2020 / 06 / 01)


121 - 181






In the early history of the Chinese in Singapore, vegetarian nuns were a significant female community that has not received much attention. "Vegetarian nun" is a general term referring to groups of Chinese vegetarian women who exhibit a unique religious subjectivity. A large number lived in vegetarian halls, while some were active in private Buddhist temples and early Buddhist monasteries. Vegetarian nuns are addressed according to their religious names or personal names, plus the suffix of gu (姑) to indicate their identity. Their obituaries and ancestral tablets also possess religious significance. Throughout Southeast Asia, "vegetarian nuns" possess overlapping social roles as they navigate multiple identities. Vegetarian nuns actively draw on their own social resources in the construction of gendered spaces and support networks. Forming "sisterhoods" based on religious lineages, kinship ties, and dialect groups, vegetarian nuns participate in community and cultural activities and support themselves self-sufficiently while practicing good deeds. In addition to serving as a traditional place of worship, the vegetarian hall is a religious and social space that is constantly being shaped as resident-members gather to practice medicine, conduct meetings, exchange news, and manage their business networks. This article draws on historical documents and oral interviews to connect historical perspectives with contemporary ethnographic observations, in order to illustrate the identities and belief networks of vegetarian nuns, focusing on the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries in Singapore. Through outlining vegetarian nuns' employment of their social resources, this article shows how these resources help expand their religious sisterhoods.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
社會科學 > 社會學
社會科學 > 社會學
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