


Women's Diaries from Modern Taiwan: Insights into Housekeeping and Domestic Life from Ms. Chen Ling's Diary


周叙琪(Hsu-chi Chou)


日記 ; 主婦 ; 性別關係 ; 妾 ; 家政 ; home economics ; concubines ; diaries ; housekeeping ; gender relations




39期(2022 / 06 / 01)


1 - 66






Jiazheng or "domestic work" has been a core area of concern for Marxist feminist scholars, yet due to the limitations of available documents, historical knowledge of women's experiences in housework has been rather scarce. With the publication of a range of women's diaries in recent years, there is new impetus for historical discussion. One such diary is that of Ms. Chen Ling, who was a concubine of Lin Jitang in Wufeng. This diary contains rich documentation of housekeeping life, permitting a richer analysis of women's own historical narration of housekeeping work and more comprehensive analysis of domestic work and life. This paper constitutes a case-study analysis of Ms. Chen Ling's Diary from these vantage points. The case study of Ms. Chen Ling's Diary sheds light on rivalry in gender relations throughout this transitional period in China's social transformation from traditional norms to modernity. It also reveals how widowed women used social support systems to fill the labor gap left by the death of their husband, thereby rebuilding the meaning of home and enjoying more rich and autonomous spheres of domestic living. On the other hand, the financial and social assistance provided by the patriarch gradually developed into a policy of supporting orphans, highlighting the role which patriarchs harboring enlightened, new ideas would have on members in the domestic sphere, which also contributed to the expansion of concubines' living space as well as the diversification of female roles in the clan. Overall, the experiences of women's housework as documented in Ms. Chen Ling's Diary reveals that the main responsibility of the hostess was to "command and supervise", with the main focus on "women's moral conduct" (conduct showing respect for their husband and courteous comportment.) These responsibilities and perspectives vastly differ from ideas on female domestic labor and the scientific management of domestic family life in the modern period.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
社會科學 > 社會學
社會科學 > 社會學
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