


The Development of Local Education in Late Imperial China: Scholars, School Teachers, and Elementary Education in Hui-chou, 1100-1800




劉祥光(Hsiang-Kwang Liu)


初級教育 ; 教科書 ; 家塾、私塾 ; 塾師 ; 社學 ; elementary education ; textbooks ; household schools ; household teachers ; community schools




28期(1997 / 12 / 01)


1 - 45




本文主要是透過研究徽州的地方初級教育,瞭解從宋到清中葉中國社會的發展。而焦點在於:一、觀察當地文人在宋元兩代參與地方教育的情形;二、瞭解公私立初級教育機構,包括家塾、私塾、族學、社學及義學的設立情形,及其與自元代開始設立的社學間的關係;三、研究這些機構相互間的關係。希望藉由研究地方教育在近世的發展,探討中國近世社會國家與社會間的關係,並能進一步地認識中國近世社會的變遷與持續。 本文的第一部分探討自宋代開始採用的科舉考試如何影響當地社會以及影響地方教育的發展,並檢視初級教育機構的發展。第二部分探討元代徽州文人對地方文化及教育的貢獻及其背後的意義。其次研究初級教育在這段期間內的推展情形,包括公私立教育機構的建立及兒童教科書的編寫。第三及第四部分探討明清二代由國家推動的社學系統―儘管前者一再的努力―何以終究歸於失敗,而私人教育系統能有大幅成長的原因。由於有關徽州的史料可說豐富,因此我們得以瞭解中國近世社會的變遷與持續。


This paper, by focusing on elementary education in Hui-chou from the Sung to mid Ch'ing dynasties, examines the development of Chinese society in the late imperial period. First, it addresses local scholars' participation in both elementary and advanced education during the Sung (960-1279) and Yuan (1279-1368) dynasties. Second, it examines the development of public and private institutions of elementary education, including household schools run by schoolmasters (chia-shu or ssu-shu), lineage schools, community and charitable schools. Third, it considers the relationships between these public and private institutions in late imperial China. More specifically, the first part of the paper concentrates on how the civil service examinations starting from the Sung dynasty influenced local society and the development of local education. The second part focuses on the contribution of local scholars to local and Neo-Confucian education during the Yuan dynasty. The evolution of private and public institutions, as well as the question of why scholars continued to devote their time and energy to writing and compiling children's primers as well as the relation of these developments to the ever-growing number of printed textbooks are also addressed. The third part concentrates on (1) why the community school system failed in the Ming and Ch'ing period, despite the state’s efforts to restore it time and again, and (2) the factors that contributed to the prosperous growth of education in the private sector. The wealth of sources for studying these questions in the Hui-chou allows us to deepen our understanding of changes and continuities in Chinese local society in the late imperial period.

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