


The Nationalist Government's Policy for Taking over Private Electricity Plants and Its Application to the Case of the Kaiming Electrical Power Company




王樹槐(Shu-Hwai Wang)


建設委員會 ; 江西省 ; 上海市 ; 公用事業 ; 電燈公司 ; 經濟政策 ; National Construction Commission ; Chianghsi Province ; Shanghai City ; Public Utility ; Electrical Light Company




28期(1997 / 12 / 01)


177 - 222




國民政府於民國十八年十二月公布「民營公用事業監督條例」,此爲電氣事業的基本法。在此之前,有四家民營電廠被接管,在此之後又有七家民營電廠被接管。政府對接管民營電廠,原訂有法規,但若干地方政府,並未完全遵行,以致政策與實踐相去甚遠,其間所涉及的問題亦甚複雜。 政府政策,係以孫中山先生的民生主義思想爲源頭,初則承襲之,後則逐漸修改之,由社會主義思想逐漸走向資本主義路線。 實踐方面,就南昌開明公司而言,幾與政策相反,其中主要原因是江西省政府假藉南昌行營的權勢而爲所欲爲;建設委員會雖然心理上難以苟同,但不得不屈服,甚至袒護江西省政府,達成接管的目的。民營的開明公司成了權勢的犧牲品。


With a view to serving as the fundamental law on the business of electricity, the Nationalist government announced its supervisory regulations on the private enterprises of utility in December 1929. Prior to their passing and promulgation, the government had taken over four private power plants while seven others were taken over thereafter under the new power. However, the local government disregarded this, leading to a glaring discrepancy between policy and practice. The reasons for such disobedience were very complex. Initially, the Nationalist government followed Sun Yatsen's Principle of People's Livelihood and emphasized restrictions of private capital, but gradually it moved from socialist ideas to capitalism. First describing the policy retreat, this author then uses the case of the Kaiming Power Company in Nanchang to illustrate this deviation from the policy's original orientation. The Chianghsi Provincial Government used its close ties to the Nanchang Military Headquarters to force the reluctant National Construction Committee to violate its own policy and to become an accomplice in appropriating a private electricity company.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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